SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (39463, 39467, 41988, 42015, 42053, 42295, 42309, 42337, 42405, 42449, 42469, 42476, 42517, 42558, 42565, 42580, 42589, 42602, 42671, 42696, 42711, 42746, 42759, 42913, 42917, 42921, 42927, 42943, 42949, 42964, 42973, 42981, 42983, 42985, 43007, 43039, 43073, 43088, 43203, 43228, 43238, 43243, 43259, 43262, 43271, 43273, 43276, 43287, 43302, 43307, 43309, 43459, 43461, 43501, 43518, 43524, 43526, 43530, 43538, 43544, 43552, 43556, 43560, 43567, 43569, 43586, 43598, 43609, 43612, 43617, 43628, 43632, 43635, 43637, 43640, 43646, 43650, 43655, 43658, 43663, 43667, 43701, 43706, 43717, 43764, 43794, 43800, 43835, 43837, 43840, 43843, 43846, 43848, 43851, 43853, 43857, 43860, 43870, 43872, 43875, 43877, 43880, 43882, 43890, 44030, 44034, 44038, 44044, 44047, 44053, 44055, 44057, 44060, 44062, 44064, 44065, 44069, 44071, 44075, 44077, 44079, 44082, 44084, 44088, 44090, 44092, 44096, 44102, 44106, 44114, 44126, 44142, 44150, 44154, 44166, 44169, 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Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17851103


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Dance: In afterpiece, as17851018


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Dance: In afterpiece, as17851018


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Song: As17851029


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Romp

Dance: As17851017


Mainpiece Title: Philaster

Role: Woodmen Actor: Alfred, Jones

Afterpiece Title: The Romp


Mainpiece Title: The Strangers At Home

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17851103


Mainpiece Title: The Strangers At Home

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17851103


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: he Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Afterpiece Title: Hurly-Burly; or, The Fairy of the Well

Dance: In afterpiece, by Hamoir, Williamson, Miss Stageldoir, Mrs Sutton, &c. [The dance was included, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: The Natural Son


Mainpiece Title: A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece a new Scotch Dance, The Lucky Return, by Williamson, Mrs Sutton, Miss J. Stageldoir, and others


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Distress'd Mother

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: As17851017


Mainpiece Title: The Captives

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Song: In Act II of mainpiece an Ode (composed by Dr Cooke). Vocal Parts by Dignum, Danby, Wilson, Phillimore, Alfred, Newbold; Mrs Love, Mrs Booth, Miss Burnett, Miss J. Stageldoir, Mrs Forster


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Song: As17860302athi


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: End of Singing The Provencalle, as17850922

Song: End of mainpiece Stand to your Guns, my Hearts of Oak by Bannister


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Porter Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Dance: End of Act IV of mainpiece The Lucky Return, as17860420


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Alfred

Dance: As17860522


Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Afterpiece Title: Arthur and Emmeline