SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (14890, 14930, 14943, 15822, 15892, 15994, 16038, 16046, 16089, 16092, 16323, 16417, 16433, 16462, 16469, 16497, 16549, 16552, 16583, 16584, 16617, 16619, 16721, 16730, 16740, 16777, 16837, 16850, 16866, 16914, 16922, 16965, 16969, 16981, 16985, 16989, 16993, 17006, 17060, 17066, 17081, 17094, 17102, 17118, 17128, 17134, 17161, 17169, 17248, 17261, 17272, 17282, 17293, 17302, 17311, 17315, 17318, 17328, 17342, 17347, 17352, 17426, 17430, 17434, 17440, 17445, 17590, 17926, 23447, 23450, 23453, 23459, 23462, 23466, 23468, 23472, 23478, 23482, 23486, 23491, 23494, 23500, 23503, 23507, 23511, 23514, 23519, 23522, 23526, 23529, 23538, 23544, 23551, 23555, 23559, 23564, 23570, 23574, 23578, 23580, 23586, 23589, 23592, 23595, 23599, 23605, 23608, 23611, 23615, 23623, 23626, 23631, 23634, 23641, 23644, 23649, 23652, 23654, 23660, 23663, 23667, 23670, 23673, 23688, 23691, 23697, 23700, 23704, 23707, 23715, 23722, 23729, 23741, 23745, 23748, 23753, 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Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Norfolk Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Role: Aesop Actor: Wignell

Monologue: Entertainment True Blue. As 14 Dec


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: II: Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: The Brothers

Role: Jonathan Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Mother Shipton


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: After II of Comedy: The Dutch Milkmaid, as17710923


Mainpiece Title: Zobeide

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell


Mainpiece Title: Zobeide

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: End Comedy: A Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: Zobeide

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Monologue: True Blue. As 14 Dec. 1771, but Principal Parts-Mrs Mattocks, Miss _Potts

Dance: End II of Comedy: A Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: Barbarossa

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: End II of Comedy: A Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Norfolk Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Skeleton


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Derby Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Skeleton


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Role: Corrigidor Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Prince


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Role: Corrigidor Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Mother Shipton


Mainpiece Title: A Wife In The Right

Role: Nicholas Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: A Wife In The Right

Role: Nicholas Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: Cyrus

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: II Comedy: Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: Ximena; Or, The Heroic Daughter

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: End: The Whim, as17720312 End II Farce: A Comic Dance, as17711031


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Snarl Actor: Wignell

Dance: End of Play: The Old ground Young-Aldridge, Sga Manesiere


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Derby Actor: Wignell.

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio

Dance: II: By Particular Desire, a Minuet-Aldridge, Mrs Bulkley; III: (Not done these 3 years) [a Dance call'd A Tambourine-Aldridge, Sga Manesiere [see17700501]; End I Farce: [a Hornpipe-Miss Matthews

Ballet: End: (For That Night Only) a New Grand Pantomimical Dance call'd The Recruits. Recruiting Captain-Aldridge; Drummer-Mas. Harris; Serjeant-Hussey; Soldiers, recruits-Petre, King, Settree, Merrifield, Holloway; Captain's Lady-Sga Manesiere; Landlady-Mrs White; Landlady's Daughter-Miss Twist; Soldiers, wives, country girls-Mrs Willems, Mrs Hartle, Mrs Invill, Miss Stede, Miss Lawrence


Mainpiece Title: All's Well That Ends Well

Role: Steward Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Mother Shipton

Dance: I: By Particular Desire a Minuet-Fishar, Miss Macklin; II: The Old ground Young, as17711030


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Lord Mayor Actor: Wignell.

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Dance: End: A Comic Dance, as17711017


Mainpiece Title: The Brothers

Role: Jonathan Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock

Dance: III: Minuets, Allemandes, Cotillions-[see17720412

Ballet: End: The Wapping Landlady. As17720424[Sixfold Hornpipe, as17720424


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Role: Conjuror Actor: Wignell

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Mas. Blurton; End: The Provenzale-Mas. Blurton, Miss Besford [see17700928]


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Dance: End: The Fingalian Dance with Double Hornpipe-Mas. Blurton, Miss Besford

Monologue: Preceded: New Occasional Prelude. The Principal characters-Dyer, Kniveton, Younger, Davis, Cushing, Wignell, Saunders, Fox, a Young Lady Miss Barsanti her first appearance on any stage


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Lord Mayor Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Dance: End: The Old Ground Young-Aldridge, Mas. Harris, Miss Twist. [See17711030.

Monologue: Before: New Occasional Prelude. As 21 Sept