03 February 1772

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1771-1772
Volume: 4
Comments: Paid Bellamy & Settree (mercers) #38 12s.; Paid Toms for Trumpeter's coats & Banners #34 13s.; Paid Hughes (Linnendraper) #6 (Account Book). Receipts: #205 6s. (Account Book)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p cg King Richard III. As 16 Dec. 1771, butLady Ann-Mrs Lessingham; Dutchess of York-Mrs Vincent.; Duke of York-Master Jones. *aHarlequin Skeleton. As 1 Feb., but Chasseur Royal-DuBellamy (playbill) [but Reinhold in <i>Public Advertiser</i>%. *cPaid <i>Bellamy</i> & <i>Settree</i> (mercers) #38 12s.; Paid $Toms= for Trumpeter's coats & Banners #34 13s.; Paid $Hughes= (Linnendraper) #6 (Account Book). Receipts: #205 6s. (Account Book).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1772 02 03 cg King Richard III. ^As17711216^, but Lady Ann-Mrs Lessingham; Dutchess of York-Mrs Vincent.; Duke of York-Master Jones.*a1772 02 03 cg Harlequin Skeleton. ^As17720201^, but Chasseur Royal-DuBellamy (playbill) but Reinhold in <i>Public Advertiser</i>.*c1772 02 03 cg Paid <i>Bellamy</i> & <i>Settree</i> (mercers) #38 12s.; Paid $Toms= for Trumpeter's coats & Banners #34 13s.; Paid $Hughes= (Linnendraper) #6 (Account Book). Receipts: #205 6s. (Account Book).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 36337 | 17720203 | cg | Paid <i>Bellamy</i> & <i>Settree</i> (mercers) #38 12s.; Paid $Toms= for Trumpeter's coats & Banners #34 13s.; Paid $Hughes= (Linnendraper) #6 (Account Book). Receipts: #205 6s. (Account Book)
    Performance: 75330 | 36337 | p | King Richard Iii | As17711216, but Lady Ann-Mrs Lessingham; Dutchess of York-Mrs Vincent.; Duke of York-Master Jones.
    AsSeeDate: 75330 | cg | p | As | 17711216
    128157 | 75330 | Lady Ann | Mrs Lessingham
    128158 | 75330 | Dutchess of York | Mrs Vincent.
    128159 | 75330 | Duke of York | Master Jones.
    487603 | 75330 | Duchess of York | Mrs Ferguson.
    487604 | 75330 | Catesby | Davis
    487605 | 75330 | Ratcliff | Lewes
    487606 | 75330 | Richard | Smith
    487607 | 75330 | King Henry | Kniveton
    487608 | 75330 | Richmond | Clarke
    487609 | 75330 | Buckingham | Hull
    487610 | 75330 | Norfolk | Wignell
    487611 | 75330 | Stanley | Gardner
    487612 | 75330 | Lieut. | R. Smith
    487613 | 75330 | Mayor | Morris
    487614 | 75330 | Prince Edward | Mas. Harris
    487615 | 75330 | Tressel | Wroughton
    487616 | 75330 | Queen | Miss Miller, 1st time.
    Performance: 75331 | 36337 | a | Harlequin Skeleton | As17720201, but Chasseur Royal-DuBellamy (playbill) but Reinhold in <i>Public Advertiser</i>.
    AsSeeDate: 75331 | cg | a | As | 17720201
    128160 | 75331 | Chasseur Royal | DuBellamy
    487617 | 75331 | Mercury | Baker.
    487618 | 75331 | Harlequin | Lewes
    487619 | 75331 | Doctor | Banks
    487620 | 75331 | Colombine | Mrs Dyer
    487621 | 75331 | Merlin | Legg
    487622 | 75331 | Diana | Mrs Baker
    487623 | 75331 | Pierrot | Morris.


As17711216, but Lady Ann-Mrs Lessingham; Dutchess of York-Mrs Vincent.; Duke of York-Master Jones.


As17720201, but Chasseur Royal-DuBellamy (playbill) but Reinhold in Public Advertiser.

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