SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1863, 1999, 2005, 2006, 2020, 2024, 2050, 2097, 2118, 2121, 2193, 2211, 2239, 2371, 2401, 2493, 2494, 2497, 2526, 2536, 2555, 2613, 2783, 2887, 3208, 3245, 3429, 3430, 3540, 3549, 3555, 3660, 3671, 3676, 3682, 3686, 3691, 3750, 3802, 3813, 3825, 3918, 3921, 3923, 3942, 3953, 3958, 3960, 3961, 3985, 3988, 3991, 3994, 4005, 4056, 4058, 4060, 4066, 4085, 4099, 4100, 4102, 4103, 4107, 4124, 4126, 4127, 4139, 4140, 4144, 4146, 4147, 4154, 4159, 4173, 4180, 4185, 4188, 4189, 4219, 4233, 4293, 4367, 4427, 4446, 4526, 4546, 4568, 4573, 4574, 4575, 4578, 4581, 4582, 4585, 4588, 4598, 4600, 4605, 4609, 4611, 4614, 4615, 4637, 4652, 4693, 4751, 4769, 4783, 4787, 4823, 4833, 4892, 4893, 4894, 4906, 4911, 4914, 4917, 4919, 4923, 4925, 4939, 4942, 4945, 4954, 4956, 4963, 4964, 4968, 4969, 4977, 4990, 5099, 5115, 5129, 5132, 5148, 5149, 5152, 5153, 5165, 5166, 5181, 5186, 5193, 5220, 5238, 5262, 5265, 5266, 5274, 5285, 5337, 5346, 5352, 5359, 5370, 5386, 5395, 5396, 5411, 5413, 5415, 5422, 5430, 5449, 5469, 5471, 5480, 5521, 5536, 5603, 5623, 5675, 5734, 5735, 5737, 5739, 5802, 5804, 5824, 5853, 5857, 5860, 5862, 5873, 5875, 5881, 5883, 5886, 5888, 5893, 5931, 5934, 5936, 5971, 6005, 6162, 6194, 6198, 6212, 6250, 6266, 6280, 6296, 6310, 6337, 6363, 6385, 6387, 6428, 6438, 6457, 6476, 6480, 6517, 6520, 6534, 6540, 6544, 6554, 6564, 6584, 6604, 6606, 6664, 6672, 6674, 6677, 6685, 6688, 6701, 6726, 6743, 6767, 6783, 6799, 6861, 6916, 6925, 6928, 6930, 6935, 6939, 6945, 6951, 6957, 7009, 7012, 7017, 7022, 7032, 7038, 7043, 7085, 7087, 7089, 7113, 7153, 7155, 7161, 7167, 7177, 7198, 7217, 7229, 7234, 7257, 7276, 7292, 7308, 7312, 7327, 7329, 7345, 7356, 7360, 7362, 7365, 7372, 7373, 7375, 7376, 7382, 7384, 7414, 7415, 7419, 7427, 7435, 7438, 7443, 7451, 7453, 7457, 7462, 7463, 7477, 7488, 7493, 7508, 7528, 7534, 7540, 7542, 7544, 7565, 7570, 7572, 7580, 7582, 7594, 7602, 7651, 7653, 7655, 7661, 7759, 7800, 7818, 7837, 7850, 7860, 7866, 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20175, 20178, 20184, 20187, 20190, 20193, 20196, 20199, 20205, 20208, 20217, 20227, 20233, 20242, 20245, 20248, 20254, 20257, 20264, 20267, 20273, 20279, 20292, 20295, 20311, 20326, 20343, 20347, 20375, 20381, 20398, 20415, 20421, 20438, 20461, 20630) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace; or, Merlin's Cave

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Mithridates, King Of Pontus

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Lewis Actor: Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin

Dance: CComic Dance-Richardson, Miss Cantrel; Serious Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Scots Dance-Glover, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Merchant; Or, The Beggar's Bush

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii

Role: Feeble Actor: Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Role: Snap Actor: Penkethman.

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin

Dance: CComic Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Scots Dance-Glover, Mlle Roland

Song: Roberts

Music: Select Pieces-; Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Joseph Woodbridge


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Lewis Actor: Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Witches Actor: Penkethman, James, Neale.

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman

Music: As17381006


Mainpiece Title: The Albion Queens

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Convert

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fifth

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: All For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Role: Doctor Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Role: JonasDock Actor: Penkethman

Dance: Glover, Richardson, Villeneuve, Dupre, DelaGarde, Miss Oates,also by Master Cooke, who never performed on any Stage before


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Role: JonasDock Actor: Penkethman

Song: Roberts

Dance: As17390115


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Witches Actor: Penkethman, James, Neale.

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda; or, The Cheats of Harlequin

Music: Vocal Parts [for Macbeth]-Leveridge, Salway, Roberts, Thompson, Stoppelaer, Mrs James, Mrs Wright, Mrs Vincent, Mrs Kilby


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Role: Merryman Actor: Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Role: Snap Actor: Penkethman.

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda