04 November 1738

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1738-1739
Volume: 3

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pw?cg Tamerlane. Tamerlane-Delane; Bajazet-Johnson; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Dervise-Rosco; Omar-Hale; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Hallam; [With the% usual Prologue-. *aw?cg The Royal Chace. As 30 Oct.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1738 11 04 cg Tamerlane. Tamerlane-Delane; Bajazet-Johnson; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Dervise-Rosco; Omar-Hale; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Hallam; With the usual Prologue-.*a1738 11 04 cg The Royal Chace. ^As17381030^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 19291 | 17381104 | cg
    Performance: 36311 | 19291 | p | Tamerlane | Tamerlane-Delane; Bajazet-Johnson; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Dervise-Rosco; Omar-Hale; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Hallam; With the usual Prologue-.
    55871 | 36311 | Tamerlane | Delane
    55872 | 36311 | Bajazet | Johnson
    55873 | 36311 | Moneses | Ryan
    55874 | 36311 | Axalla | Hallam
    55875 | 36311 | Dervise | Rosco
    55876 | 36311 | Omar | Hale
    55877 | 36311 | Selima | Mrs Vincent
    55878 | 36311 | Arpasia | Mrs Hallam
    55879 | 36311 | With the usual Prologue | .
    Performance: 36312 | 19291 | a | The Royal Chace | As17381030.
    AsSeeDate: 36312 | cg | a | As | 17381030
    302852 | 36312 | Pluto | Villeneuve
    302853 | 36312 | Neptune | Dupre
    302854 | 36312 | Pan | Richardson
    302855 | 36312 | Hercules | Desse
    302856 | 36312 | Apollo | Glover
    302857 | 36312 | Mars | Haughton
    302858 | 36312 | Country Lads | Dupre, Bencraft, Richardson
    302859 | 36312 | Country Lasses | Mrs Bullock, Miss Dancey, Mrs LeBrun.
    302860 | 36312 | Pierot | Lalauze
    302861 | 36312 | Endymion | Salway
    302862 | 36312 | Chasseurs | Vincent
    302863 | 36312 | Nymphs | Miss Brunette, Miss Rogers
    302864 | 36312 | Diana | Mrs Vincent
    302865 | 36312 | Merlin | Leveridge
    302866 | 36312 | Cupid | Glover
    302867 | 36312 | Graces | Mrs Bullock, Miss Oates, Mrs LeBrun
    302868 | 36312 | Hour | Miss Cantrell
    302869 | 36312 | Zephyrs | Villeneuve, Desse, Richardson, DuPre
    302870 | 36312 | Psyche | Mlle Roland
    302871 | 36312 | Jupiter | Lun
    302872 | 36312 | Mercury | Laguerre
    302873 | 36312 | Doctor | Penkethman
    302874 | 36312 | Doctor's Wife | Mrs Kilby. With Scenes representing the exact Views of <i>The Hermitage</i> and <i>Merlin's Cave</i>, as taken from the <i>Royal Gardens at Richmond</i>.


Tamerlane-Delane; Bajazet-Johnson; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Dervise-Rosco; Omar-Hale; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Hallam; With the usual Prologue-.



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