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Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Afterpiece Title: ROSINA

Role: Captain Belville Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: THE SHIPWRECK


Mainpiece Title: The World In A Village

Afterpiece Title: A LOYAL EFFUSION

Afterpiece Title: THE HIGHLAND REEL

Role: Robin Hood Actor: Townsend

Dance: In 2nd piece Hornpipe by Bayzand

Song: 2nd piece: To conclude with a Song and Chorus [Come ye who from your souls (BUC, 281)], in Honor of His Majesty's Birth-Day


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: THE FOLLIES OF A DAY

Afterpiece Title: THE FARMER

Role: Rundy Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Columbus


Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend
Role: : Recruiting Serjeant Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: THE WATERMAN

Music: End of 1st piece several favorite pieces of music on the Union Pipes by Courtney, accompanied on the Harp by Weippert

Song: 3rd piece: To conclude with Rule Britannia by Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Role: Phillippo Actor: Townsend


Dance: End of mainpiece The Wapping Landlady by Blurton and Mrs Watts


Mainpiece Title: The School For Wives

Afterpiece Title: A LOYAL EFFUSION


Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend
Role: : Recruiting Serjeant Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Faustus; or, The Devil will have his Own

Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend

Song: Mainpiece: Vocal Parts-Johnstone, Incledon, Bowden, Townsend, Rock, Linton, Blurton, Abbot, Street, Miss Poole, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Clendining, Miss Hopkins, Mrs Henley, Miss Stuart, Mrs Arnold, Mrs Watts, Miss Leserve, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Bayzand, Mrs Blurton, Mrs Masters, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquer

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Role: William Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Travellers In Switzerland

Role: Fishermen Actor: Townsend, Richardson, Linton

Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques; or, The Merry Mourners

Dance: Mainpiece to conclude with: The Savoyard-Byrn, Mlle St.Amand, Mme Rossi


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Faustus

Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend

Song: In V: a Dirge- [set to Music by Shield, the Words from Shakespeare see17931009].; Vocal Parts-Linton, Street, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Clendining, Miss Hopkins, Mrs Henley, Miss Stuart, Mrs Watts, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Blurton, Mrs Castelle, Miss Leserve


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: Hartford Bridge

Role: Peter Actor: Townsend

Dance: In afterpiece: The Lucky Escape-Byrn, Holland, Mlle St.Amand


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Role: Philippo Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day


Mainpiece Title: Fontainville Forest

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Faustus

Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Afterpiece Title: Robin Hood

Role: Bowman Actor: Townsend

Song: II: Hark! Hark! the Lark-Townsend, Linton, Gray, Mrs Martyr, Mrs Clendining, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Henley, Miss Poole


Mainpiece Title: The World In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Noodle Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Faustus

Role: Asmodius Actor: Townsend

Song: As17940929


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina; or, The Hall of Fingal


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Noodle Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Rundy Actor: Townsend