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Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Tom Actor: Richards


Mainpiece Title: Mr Turbulent; Or, The Melanchollicks

Role: Pollux Actor: Richards


Mainpiece Title: Dame Dobson; Or, The Cunning Woman

Role: Goslin Actor: Richards


Mainpiece Title: The Atheist; Or, The Second Part Of The Souldiers Fortune

Role: Plunder Actor: Richards.


Mainpiece Title: Alphonso King Of Naples

Role: Ardelia Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: The Mistakes

Role: Maria Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: Love For Money; Or, The Boarding School

Role: Lady Straddle Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: Bussy D'ambois; Or, The Husbands Revenge

Role: Charlot Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: King Arthur; Or, The British Worthy

Role: Matilda Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: The Wives' Excuse; Or, Cuckolds Make Themselves

Role: Betty Actor: Mrs Richardson


Mainpiece Title: The Rape; Or, The Innocent Impostors

Role: Merinda Actor: Mrs Richardson.


Mainpiece Title: The City Wives' Confederacy; Or, The Usurer Outwitted

Role: Mrs Amlet Actor: Mrs Richardson

Song: The Whimsical Country-

Dance: The Whimsical Country Wedding-


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Entertainment: It consisted of Pyramids-; of all manner of Sweetmeats, the most generous Wines, Burgundy, Champaign, and was usher'd in by a Prologue-Mrs Younger; written by Mr Tickel, under Secretary to Mr Addison, and concluded by an Epilogue-Mr Wilks; written by himself; which was very merry and free with his own Character; after which, a large Table that was in th Area of the Consort-House, was taken away to make Room for the Company to Dance Country-Dances...We are likewise to acquaint the Reader, that an Ode of Horace-; was set to Musick and sung upon the Occasion, with several other very particular Songs and Performances, both Vocal and Instrumental Music- and that Mrs Younger spoke the Prologue, and Mr Wilks the Epilogue, which, after Sir Richard's Way, was extremely Diverting (Weekly Packet, 4 June)


Mainpiece Title: The Female Fop; Or, The False One Fitted

Role: 2d Companion Actor: Richards

Song: Singing in Italian and English-Mrs Hill


Dance: End I: Polonese-Miss Robinson, Rainton; III: A new Passacaille-Miss Robinson; V: A New Comic Dance-Miss Robinson, Rainton

Music: II: 2d Concerto of Corelli-; IV: Select Piece with Hautboys and Flutes-


Mainpiece Title: Hurlothrumbo; Or, News From Terra Australis Incognita

Role: Primo Actor: Richards


Mainpiece Title: Hurlothrumbo

Role: Primo Actor: Richards

Dance: End II: Running Footman's Dance-Davenport; III: Dutch Skipper-; IV: Pierrots Dance-Davenport, Nott


Mainpiece Title: Hurlothrumbo

Role: Primo Actor: Richards

Dance: As17291227, but Pierrots Dance-_


Mainpiece Title: Hurlothrumbo

Role: Primo Actor: Richards


Mainpiece Title: Fatal Love; Or, The Degenerate Brother

Role: Servants Actor: Hicks, Richards


Mainpiece Title: Fatal Love

Role: Servants Actor: Hicks, Richards


Mainpiece Title: Fatal Love

Role: Servants Actor: Hicks, Richards


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Clerimont Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress; or, The Ridotto Al' Fresco


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Clerimont Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Clerimont Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Dance: Drunken Peasant by Le Brun