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Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Hamlet Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Role: Flash Actor: Lee.

Dance: As17461124

Song: Brett


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Poictiers

Song: Brett

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Malcolm Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Standard Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Song: TThe Early Horn-Brett

Music: French Horns-Baker, Stroud

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: The Diversions Of The Morning; Or, A Dish Of Chocolate

Afterpiece Title: The Credulous Husband

Role: Bellmour Actor: Lee


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Role: Bastard Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: King Henry V

Role: Mountjoy Actor: Lee


Mainpiece Title: King Henry V

Role: Mountjoy Actor: Lee


Mainpiece Title: King Henry V

Role: Mountjoy Actor: Lee


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Role: Bastard Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: A New Tambourine-Anne Auretti


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island

Role: Ferdinand Actor: Lee


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Ferdinand Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Ferdinand Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment


Mainpiece Title: King Henry V

Role: Mountjoy Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Dance: Cooke, the Aurettis, Mathews


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Role: Bastard Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Belmour Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: II: Tambourine-Anne Auretti; IV: New Comic Dance-Matthews, Mrs Addison; V: Dutch Dance, as17471128


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Ross Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Ross Actor: Lee

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: Cooke, Anne and Janeton Auretti