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Mainpiece Title: The Alchymist

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Dance: End: Reviv'd The Prussian Camp-Grimaldi, Aldridge, Lauchery, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: Philaster

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Dance: II: The Provancalle, as17631014


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Mrs Marwood Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ophelia Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Mrs Strictland Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Tale


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral

Role: Lady Charlot Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Dance: End: The Provancalle, as17631014


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Elvira Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Harriet Actor: Mrs Hopkins.

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Mrs Strictland Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Tale


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Tale


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Rites of Hecate


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, The Death Of Alexander The Great

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Role: Emelia Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Dance: The Irish Lilt, as17630922


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Entertainment: II: King, as Mr Prattle, will (for this night only) open a Packet of News-King; End: King, by Desire" will repeat a Comic Paraphrase on the Seven Ages of Shakespear-King

Dance: III: A Hornpipe-Miss Baker; End Comic Paraphrase: The Irish Lilt, as17630922


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Role: Emelia Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: The Faggot Binders, as17640224


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan Of China

Role: Mandane Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: The Irish Lilt, as17630922


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Role: Emelia Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Song: Between the acts: several songs-Miss Wright


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Dance: II: The Provancalle, as17631014; End: The Faggot Binders, as17640224


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Role: Lady Wronghead Actor: Mrs Hopkins

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: The Irish Lilt, as17630922