SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (43571, 43576, 43600, 43764, 43783, 43788, 43794, 43811, 43823, 43848, 43855, 43882, 43899, 44047, 44057, 44071, 44104, 44112, 44116, 44128, 44132, 44136, 44138, 44140, 44142, 44144, 44146, 44148, 44150, 44152, 44156, 44158, 44160, 44162, 44164, 44177, 44185, 44187, 44189, 44197, 44238, 44255, 44271, 44318, 44321, 44381, 44393, 44423, 44428, 44473, 44594, 44671, 44714, 44716, 44718, 44722, 44725, 44734, 44742, 44747, 44777, 44786, 44793, 44798, 44800, 44804, 44807, 44814, 44818, 44821, 44829, 44830, 44838, 44839, 44842, 44851, 44855, 44865, 44869, 44875, 44878, 44879, 44882, 44883, 44890, 44894, 44902, 44906, 44910, 44914, 44926, 44933, 44935, 44943, 44948, 44985, 44988, 44997, 45003, 45010, 45019, 45026, 45034, 45142, 45144, 45148, 45151, 45155, 45157, 45161, 45163, 45168, 45170, 45173, 45175, 45181, 45185, 45187, 45189, 45191, 45193, 45197, 45199, 45201, 45205, 45209, 45215, 45217, 45221, 45223, 45225, 45227, 45233, 45235, 45237, 45239, 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Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Role: Mercury Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The New Peerage

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Sir Owen Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The New Peerage

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Role: Osmyn Actor: Dignum

Dance: As17871101


Mainpiece Title: The New Peerage

Dance: In afterpiece: Ferrere, the Miss Stageldoirs


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Sir Owen Actor: Dignum

Dance: As17871102


Mainpiece Title: The New Peerage

Afterpiece Title: Hurly-Burly

Role: Magician Actor: Dignum
Role: Characters Actor: _Bannister Jun., _Dignum.

Dance: In afterpiece: Dancing-Hamoir, the Miss Stageldoirs


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: Hurly-Burly

Role: Magician Actor: Dignum
Role: Characters Actor: _Bannister Jun., _Dignum.

Dance: End III: New Dance, as17871026; End IV: The Capricious Lovers, as17870920; In afterpiece: Dancing, as17871123


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Sir Owen Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Sir Owen Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Role: Artaxerxes Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist


Mainpiece Title: The Heiress

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Role: Mercury Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: Artaxerxes

Role: Artaxerxes Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Role: Mercury Actor: Dignum


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Hawthorn Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: I: a Country Dance, as17870927; End II: The Capricious Lovers, as17870920; In afterpiece: The Minuet de la Cour, as17871006


Mainpiece Title: A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Bacchanals Actor: Kelly, Dignum

Dance: End III: The Capricious Lovers, as17870920


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Captain Macheath Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Hawthorn Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Dance: As17870927


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The West Indian

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Captain Macheath Actor: Dignum

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Junior

Dance: III: a Hornpipe-Mills