SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (39463, 39467, 41988, 42015, 42053, 42295, 42309, 42337, 42405, 42449, 42469, 42476, 42517, 42558, 42565, 42580, 42589, 42602, 42671, 42696, 42711, 42746, 42759, 42913, 42917, 42921, 42927, 42943, 42949, 42964, 42973, 42981, 42983, 42985, 43007, 43039, 43073, 43088, 43203, 43228, 43238, 43243, 43259, 43262, 43271, 43273, 43276, 43287, 43302, 43307, 43309, 43459, 43461, 43501, 43518, 43524, 43526, 43530, 43538, 43544, 43552, 43556, 43560, 43567, 43569, 43586, 43598, 43609, 43612, 43617, 43628, 43632, 43635, 43637, 43640, 43646, 43650, 43655, 43658, 43663, 43667, 43701, 43706, 43717, 43764, 43794, 43800, 43835, 43837, 43840, 43843, 43846, 43848, 43851, 43853, 43857, 43860, 43870, 43872, 43875, 43877, 43880, 43882, 43890, 44030, 44034, 44038, 44044, 44047, 44053, 44055, 44057, 44060, 44062, 44064, 44065, 44069, 44071, 44075, 44077, 44079, 44082, 44084, 44088, 44090, 44092, 44096, 44102, 44106, 44114, 44126, 44142, 44150, 44154, 44166, 44169, 44171, 44185, 44189, 44246, 44260, 44292, 44298, 44302, 44371, 44378, 44411, 44431, 44443, 44453, 44471, 44473, 44590, 44606, 44607, 44691, 44751, 44754, 44756, 44759, 44763, 44768, 44770, 44773, 44775, 44777, 44782, 44784, 44786, 44793, 44800, 44816, 44827, 44833, 44848, 44856, 44866, 44875, 44896, 44912, 44916, 44928, 44938, 44956, 44970, 44972, 44974, 44979, 44985, 44991, 44994, 45000, 45003, 45012, 45017, 45021, 45024, 45036, 45136, 45138, 45140, 45144, 45149, 45161, 45165, 45170, 45172, 45177, 45181, 45183, 45185, 45189, 45193, 45199, 45201, 45203, 45205, 45207, 45209, 45211, 45215, 45217, 45221, 45223, 45225, 45229, 45231, 45233, 45237, 45241, 45249, 45256, 45261, 45263, 45265, 45273, 45275, 45277, 45282, 45284, 45286, 45288, 45290, 45292, 45294, 45296, 45299, 45301, 45304, 45306, 45309, 45311, 45313, 45315, 45318, 45320, 45323, 45325, 45327, 45329, 45332, 45334, 45339, 45341, 45343, 45351, 45353, 45360, 45364, 45371, 45377, 45380, 45383, 45389, 45393, 45398, 45402, 45409, 45411, 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Mainpiece Title: A Quarter Of An Hour Before Dinner

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Gentlemen Actor: _Bland, Alfred.

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Song: Singing, as17930628 but _Willoughby, Walker, _Aylmer, +Dorion Jun


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Role: Robbers Actor: Bannister, Davies, Cooke, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Role: Sailors Actor: Ledger, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: A Quarter Of An Hour Before Dinner

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Role: Robbers Actor: Bannister, Davies, Cooke, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Gentlemen Actor: _Bland, Alfred.

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Song: As17930720


Mainpiece Title: All In Good Humour

Afterpiece Title: Ways and Means

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: A Quarter Of An Hour Before Dinner

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Role: Sailors Actor: Ledger, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Pad

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Gentlemen Actor: _Bland, Alfred.

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Song: As17930720


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Role: Robbers Actor: Bannister, Davies, Cooke, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Song: Vocal Parts, as17930816, but Miss Fontenelle, Miss +DeCamp, Miss +Menage


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred.
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Song: As17930823


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Song: As17930823


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Role: Robbers Actor: Bannister, Davies, Cooke, Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer


Mainpiece Title: A Quarter Of An Hour Before Dinner

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Half An Hour After Supper

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: John Grum Actor: Usher in place of Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Role: John Grum Actor: Alfred
Role: William Actor: Alfred

Song: As17930911


Mainpiece Title: Isabella; Or, The Fatal Marriage

Role: Pedro Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce is in Him

Song: In III: Epithalamium-; Vocal Parts-Mrs Bland, Miss Hagley


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Role: William Actor: Alfred


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Role: Pedro Actor: Alfred

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Song: As17931207


Mainpiece Title: The Haunted Tower

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Favour; or, Harlequin Animated

Role: Fisherman Actor: Alfred

Dance: Afterpiece conclude: Dance of Fairies and Pantomimic Characters-Hamoir, the young D'Egvilles, Miss Blanchet, Miss DeCamp. [This was danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Favour

Role: Fisherman Actor: Alfred