15 December 1791

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane at King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1791-1792
Volume: 5
Comments: Receipts: #157 5s. 6d. (111.11.6; 44.0.0; 1.14.0)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p dlking's The Inconstant. As 11 Nov., but Oriana-Mrs Goodall. *aThe Pannel. As 22 Sept., but Lawyer-Maddocks; Notary-Fawcett. *cReceipts: #157 5s. 6d. (111.11.6; 44.0.0; 1.14.0).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1791 12 15 dlking's The Inconstant. ^As17911111^, but Oriana-Mrs Goodall.*a1791 12 15 dlking's The Pannel. ^As17910922^, but Lawyer-Maddocks; Notary-Fawcett.*c1791 12 15 dlking's Receipts: #157 5s. 6d. (111.11.6; 44.0.0; 1.14.0).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 47567 | 17911215 | dlking's | Receipts: #157 5s. 6d. (111.11.6; 44.0.0; 1.14.0)
    Performance: 104333 | 47567 | p | The Inconstant | As17911111, but Oriana-Mrs Goodall.
    AsSeeDate: 104333 | dlking's | p | As | 17911111
    185923 | 104333 | Oriana | Mrs Goodall.
    662422 | 104333 | Old Mirable | Aickin
    662423 | 104333 | Young Mirable | Wroughton
    662424 | 104333 | Captain Duretete | Dodd
    662425 | 104333 | Dugard | Whitfield
    662426 | 104333 | Petit | R. Palmer
    662427 | 104333 | Bravoes | Phillimore, Maddocks, Alfred, Webb
    662428 | 104333 | Bisarre | Miss Farren
    662429 | 104333 | Lamorce | Miss Tidswell.
    Performance: 104334 | 47567 | a | The Pannel | As17910922, but Lawyer-Maddocks; Notary-Fawcett.
    AsSeeDate: 104334 | dlking's | a | As | 17910922
    185924 | 104334 | Lawyer | Maddocks
    185925 | 104334 | Notary | Fawcett.
    662430 | 104334 | Lord William | Kelly
    662431 | 104334 | Baron of Oakland | Baddeley
    662432 | 104334 | Edward | Bannister Jun.
    662433 | 104334 | Lewis | Suett
    662434 | 104334 | Robert | Dignum
    662435 | 104334 | Charles | Sedgwick
    662436 | 104334 | Hugo | Moody
    662437 | 104334 | Baron de Courcy | Whitfield
    662438 | 104334 | Martin | Hollingsworth
    662439 | 104334 | Servant | Lyons
    662440 | 104334 | Lady Elinor | Mrs Crouch
    662441 | 104334 | Adela | Sga Storace
    662442 | 104334 | Cicely | Mrs Edwards
    662443 | 104334 | Maud | Mrs Booth.
    662444 | 104334 | Don Guzman | Baddeley
    662445 | 104334 | Don Ferdinand | Barrymore
    662446 | 104334 | Don Carlos | Whitfield
    662447 | 104334 | Don Pedro | Benson
    662448 | 104334 | Octavio | Phillimore
    662449 | 104334 | Muskato | Bannister Jun.
    662450 | 104334 | Lazarillo | R. Palmer
    662451 | 104334 | Marcella | Mrs Goodall
    662452 | 104334 | Aurora | Mrs Kemble
    662453 | 104334 | Beatrice | Mrs Jordan
    662454 | 104334 | Leonarda | Mrs Booth.


As17911111, but Oriana-Mrs Goodall.


As17910922, but Lawyer-Maddocks; Notary-Fawcett.

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