02 February 1789

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1788-1789
Volume: 5
Comments: Receipts: #139 3s. 6d. (110.9.0; 27.2.0; 1.12.6)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p dl The Wonder. As 1 Jan., but Col. Briton-Wroughton. *aRobinson Crusoe. As 22 Dec. 1788. *cReceipts: #139 3s. 6d. (110.9.0; 27.2.0; 1.12.6).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1789 02 02 dl The Wonder. ^As17890101^, but Col. Briton-Wroughton.*a1789 02 02 dl Robinson Crusoe. ^As17881222^.*c1789 02 02 dl Receipts: #139 3s. 6d. (110.9.0; 27.2.0; 1.12.6).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 45908 | 17890202 | dl | Receipts: #139 3s. 6d. (110.9.0; 27.2.0; 1.12.6)
    Performance: 99888 | 45908 | p | The Wonder | As17890101, but Col. Briton-Wroughton.
    AsSeeDate: 99888 | dl | p | As | 17890101
    175980 | 99888 | Briton | Wroughton.
    627136 | 99888 | Don Felix | Kemble
    627137 | 99888 | Don Lopez | Baddeley
    627138 | 99888 | Don Pedro | Waldron
    627139 | 99888 | Frederick | Packer
    627140 | 99888 | Gibby | Moody
    627141 | 99888 | Alguazile | Jones
    627142 | 99888 | Vasquez | Phillimore
    627143 | 99888 | Lissardo | Bannister Jun.
    627144 | 99888 | Flora | Miss Pope
    627145 | 99888 | Isabella | Mrs Ward
    627146 | 99888 | Inis | Miss Collins
    627147 | 99888 | Violante | Miss Farren.
    Performance: 99889 | 45908 | a | Robinson Crusoe | As17881222.
    AsSeeDate: 99889 | dl | a | As | 17881222
    627148 | 99889 | Principal Characters | Banks, Bourk, Suett, Williames, Spencer, Phillimore, Fawcett, Fairbrother, Wilson, Jones, Benson, Alfred, Lyons, Cox, Hollingsworth, Mrs Booth, Miss Stageldoir.


As17890101, but Col. Briton-Wroughton.

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