22 April 1776

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1775-1776
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Hull. N.B. Half Price will be taken to the latter account

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pcg The Grecian Daughter. As 9 April, but Dionysius-Clinch. *aPrometheus. As 25 March. *mEnd Tragedy: [By Particular Desire a Piece of Music on the% <i>Triple Harp</i>-Evans. *cBenefit for $Hull=. N.B. Half Price will be taken to the latter account.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1776 04 22 cg The Grecian Daughter. ^As17760409^ but Dionysius-Clinch.*a1776 04 22 cg Prometheus. ^As17760325^.*m1776 04 22 cg End Tragedy: By Particular Desire a Piece of Music on the <i>Triple Harp</i>-Evans.*c1776 04 22 cg Benefit for $Hull=. N.B. Half Price will be taken to the latter account.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 38704 | 17760422 | cg | Benefit for $Hull=. N.B. Half Price will be taken to the latter account
    Performance: 81182 | 38704 | p | The Grecian Daughter | As17760409 but Dionysius-Clinch.
    AsSeeDate: 81182 | cg | p | As | 17760409
    138943 | 81182 | Dionysius | Clinch.
    516260 | 81182 | Evander | Aickin.
    516261 | 81182 | Erixine | Miss Ambrose.
    516262 | 81182 | Philotas | Lewis, first time
    516263 | 81182 | Arcas | Fearon
    516264 | 81182 | Herald | L'Estrange
    516265 | 81182 | Melanthon | Hull
    516266 | 81182 | Officer | Booth
    516267 | 81182 | Calippus | Young
    516268 | 81182 | Phocion | Wroughton
    516269 | 81182 | Erixene | Miss Ambrose
    516270 | 81182 | Euphrasia | Mrs Barry.
    Performance: 81183 | 38704 | a | Prometheus | As17760325.
    AsSeeDate: 81183 | cg | a | As | 17760325
    516271 | 81183 | Harlequin | Lee Lewes
    516272 | 81183 | others | Mahon, Baker, Daigueville, Miss Valois, Sga Vidini
    516273 | 81183 | <i>Vocals</i> | Reinhold, DuBellamy
    516274 | 81183 | <i>Dance</i> | Zuchelli.
    Performance: 81184 | 38704 | m | End Tragedy: By Particular Desire a Piece of Music on the <i>Triple Harp</i>-Evans


As17760409 but Dionysius-Clinch.




Comment: End Tragedy: By Particular Desire a Piece of Music on the Triple Harp-Evans

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