20 April 1763

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1762-1763
Volume: 4
Comments: Benefit for Mrs Vincent. Afterpiece: For last time this season. No Building on Stage

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?tcg She Wou'd and She Wou'd not. As 21 March, but Trappanti-Dyer; Soto (for that night only)-Woodward; Diego-Marten; Rosara-A Young Gentlewoman[, 2nd appearance on any Stage%. *a?tcg Love a-la-Mode. As 12 April, but Lady-Mrs Dyer. *d?tcg <i>TThe Sicilian Peasants</i>, as 25 Nov. 1762. *c?tcg Benefit for $Mrs Vincent=. Afterpiece: For last time this season. No Building on Stage.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1763 04 20 cg She Wou'd and She Wou'd not. ^As17630321^ but Trappanti-Dyer; Soto (for that night only)-Woodward; Diego-Marten; Rosara-A Young Gentlewoman, 2nd appearance on any Stage.*a1763 04 20 cg Love a-la-Mode. ^As17630412^ but Lady-Mrs Dyer.*d1763 04 20 cg <i>TThe Sicilian Peasants</i>, ^as17621125^.*c1763 04 20 cg Benefit for $Mrs Vincent=. Afterpiece: For last time this season. No Building on Stage.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 31699 | 17630420 | cg | Benefit for $Mrs Vincent=. Afterpiece: For last time this season. No Building on Stage
    Performance: 64453 | 31699 | p | She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not | As17630321 but Trappanti-Dyer; Soto (for that night only)-Woodward; Diego-Marten; Rosara-A Young Gentlewoman, 2nd appearance on any Stage.
    AsSeeDate: 64453 | cg | p | As | 17630321
    107012 | 64453 | Trappanti | Dyer
    107013 | 64453 | Soto | Woodward
    107014 | 64453 | Diego | Marten
    107015 | 64453 | Rosara | A Young Gentlewoman, 2nd appearance on any Stage.
    431453 | 64453 | Don Manuel | Shuter
    431454 | 64453 | Don Philip | Ross
    431455 | 64453 | Octavio | White
    431456 | 64453 | Corrigidor | Wignel
    431457 | 64453 | Hypolita | Miss Macklin
    431458 | 64453 | Flora | Mrs Vincent
    431459 | 64453 | Viletta | Mrs Pitt.
    Performance: 64454 | 31699 | a | Love a-la-Mode | As17630412 but Lady-Mrs Dyer.
    AsSeeDate: 64454 | cg | a | As | 17630412
    107016 | 64454 | Lady | Mrs Dyer.
    431460 | 64454 | Sir Callaghan | Shuter
    431461 | 64454 | Squire Groom | Woodward
    431462 | 64454 | Beau Mordecai | Cushing
    431463 | 64454 | Goodchild | Dunstall
    431464 | 64454 | the Lady | Miss Macklin
    431465 | 64454 | Sir Archy | Macklin.
    Performance: 64455 | 31699 | d | <i>TThe Sicilian Peasants</i>, as17621125
    AsSeeDate: 64455 | cg | d | As | 17621125


As17630321 but Trappanti-Dyer; Soto (for that night only)-Woodward; Diego-Marten; Rosara-A Young Gentlewoman, 2nd appearance on any Stage.


As17630412 but Lady-Mrs Dyer.


Comment: TThe Sicilian Peasants, as17621125

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