20 February 1762

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1761-1762
Volume: 4

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg King Richard III. As 14 Jan., but Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson. *a??cg The Coronation. As 13 Nov. 1761. *d??cg III: <i>The Taylors</i>, as 7 Jan.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1762 02 20 cg King Richard III. ^As17620114^, but Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson.*a1762 02 20 cg The Coronation. ^As17611113^.*d1762 02 20 cg III: <i>The Taylors</i>, ^as17620107^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 31095 | 17620220 | cg
    Performance: 63096 | 31095 | p | King Richard Iii | As17620114, but Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson.
    AsSeeDate: 63096 | cg | p | As | 17620114
    104691 | 63096 | Duchess of York | Mrs Ferguson.
    424923 | 63096 | Buckingham | Hull.
    424924 | 63096 | Prince Edward | Mrs Evans
    424925 | 63096 | Catesby | Davis
    424926 | 63096 | Lord Mayor | Buck
    424927 | 63096 | Blunt | Redman
    424928 | 63096 | Tirel | Gardner.
    424929 | 63096 | Richard | Smith
    424930 | 63096 | King Henry | Gibson
    424931 | 63096 | Norfolk | Perry
    424932 | 63096 | Stanley | Anderson
    424933 | 63096 | Lieut. | R. Smith
    424934 | 63096 | Ratcliffe | Bennet
    424935 | 63096 | Oxford | Weller
    424936 | 63096 | Richmond | Clarke
    424937 | 63096 | Tressel | Dyer
    424938 | 63096 | Duke of York | Miss Valois
    424939 | 63096 | Lady Anne | Mrs Vincent
    424940 | 63096 | Queen | Mrs Hamilton.
    Performance: 63097 | 31095 | a | The Coronation | As17611113.
    AsSeeDate: 63097 | cg | a | As | 17611113
    424941 | 63097 | The Procession from the Abbey at the Coronation
    424942 | 63097 | with the Representation of Westminster Hall
    424943 | 63097 | and the <i>Ceremony of the Champion</i>
    Performance: 63098 | 31095 | d | III: <i>The Taylors</i>, as17620107
    AsSeeDate: 63098 | cg | d | As | 17620107


As17620114, but Duchess of York-Mrs Ferguson.


Comment: III: The Taylors, as17620107

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