07 November 1748

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1748-1749
Volume: 4
Comments: To the Author of the General Advertiser: Sir: I beg leave by means of your paper, to acquaint the friends of Tom Harbin, that he intends shortly to have a Benefit at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden: Having in consequebce of the advice of many of them, apply'd himself to Mr Rich, on that account who very generously and readily said he would contribute anything in his power to serve him; and as one night of the week might be better than another, (as his Interest lay) he gave him his choice, whereupon he chose Wednesday, as being a night of most leisure amongst people eminent in trade, on whom the city depends. He persuades himself that those who have laughed with him, will not laugh at him for requesting a favour (which his circumstances could never be supposed to put him above accepting) from persons of affluent fortunes, which the generality of his friends are; and who Experienc'd good nature, he doubts not, will serve him on this occasion. In a few days Publick notice will be given of the time, the Play, &c. I am &c. Jack Friendly, Grigsby's Coffee House, Nov. 7, 1748. [See General Advertiser, 8 Nov. See also 14 Dec.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg Venice Preserved. As 22 Oct. *a??cg Damon and Phillida. As 28 Oct. *c??cg To the Author of the <i>General Advertiser</i>: Sir: I beg leave by means of your paper, to acquaint the friends of $Tom Harbin=, that he intends shortly to have a Benefit at the Theatre Royal in <i>Covent Garden</i>: Having in consequebce of the advice of many of them, apply'd himself to $Mr Rich=, on that account who very generously and readily said he would contribute anything in his power to serve him; and as one night of the week might be better than another, (as his Interest lay) he gave him his choice, whereupon he chose Wednesday, as being a night of most leisure amongst people eminent in trade, on whom the city depends. He persuades himself that those who have laughed with him, will not laugh at him for requesting a favour (which his circumstances could never be supposed to put him above accepting) from persons of affluent fortunes, which the generality of his friends are; and who Experienc'd good nature, he doubts not, will serve him on this occasion. In a few days Publick notice will be given of the time, the Play, &c. I am &c. $Jack Friendly=, <i>Grigsby's Coffee House</i>, Nov. 7, 1748. [See <i>General Advertiser</i>, 8 Nov. See also 14 Dec.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1748 11 07 cg Venice Preserved. ^As17481022^.*a1748 11 07 cg Damon and Phillida. ^As17481028^.*c1748 11 07 cg To the Author of the <i>General Advertiser</i>: Sir: I beg leave by means of your paper, to acquaint the friends of $Tom Harbin=, that he intends shortly to have a Benefit at the Theatre Royal in <i>Covent Garden</i>: Having in consequebce of the advice of many of them, apply'd himself to $Mr Rich=, on that account who very generously and readily said he would contribute anything in his power to serve him; and as one night of the week might be better than another, (as his Interest lay) he gave him his choice, whereupon he chose Wednesday, as being a night of most leisure amongst people eminent in trade, on whom the city depends. He persuades himself that those who have laughed with him, will not laugh at him for requesting a favour (which his circumstances could never be supposed to put him above accepting) from persons of affluent fortunes, which the generality of his friends are; and who Experienc'd good nature, he doubts not, will serve him on this occasion. In a few days Publick notice will be given of the time, the Play, &c. I am &c. $Jack Friendly=, <i>Grigsby's Coffee House</i>, Nov. 7, 1748. [See <i>General Advertiser</i>, 8 Nov. See also 14 Dec.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 24386 | 17481107 | cg | To the Author of the <i>General Advertiser</i>: Sir: I beg leave by means of your paper, to acquaint the friends of $Tom Harbin=, that he intends shortly to have a Benefit at the Theatre Royal in <i>Covent Garden</i>: Having in consequebce of the advice of many of them, apply'd himself to $Mr Rich=, on that account who very generously and readily said he would contribute anything in his power to serve him; and as one night of the week might be better than another, (as his Interest lay) he gave him his choice, whereupon he chose Wednesday, as being a night of most leisure amongst people eminent in trade, on whom the city depends. He persuades himself that those who have laughed with him, will not laugh at him for requesting a favour (which his circumstances could never be supposed to put him above accepting) from persons of affluent fortunes, which the generality of his friends are; and who Experienc'd good nature, he doubts not, will serve him on this occasion. In a few days Publick notice will be given of the time, the Play, &c. I am &c. $Jack Friendly=, <i>Grigsby's Coffee House</i>, Nov. 7, 1748. [See <i>General Advertiser</i>, 8 Nov. See also 14 Dec.
    Performance: 48599 | 24386 | p | Venice Preserved | As17481022.
    AsSeeDate: 48599 | cg | p | As | 17481022
    356976 | 48599 | Pierre | Quin
    356977 | 48599 | Jaffier | Ryan
    356978 | 48599 | Priuli | Bridgwater
    356979 | 48599 | Bedamar | Gibson
    356980 | 48599 | Renault | Sparks
    356981 | 48599 | Eliot | Ridout
    356982 | 48599 | Belvidera | Miss Bellamy who has not appeared that stage these 3 years.
    Performance: 48600 | 24386 | a | Damon and Phillida | As17481028.
    AsSeeDate: 48600 | cg | a | As | 17481028
    356983 | 48600 | Phillida | Miss Young.
    356984 | 48600 | Damon | Lowe
    356985 | 48600 | Arcas | Anderson
    356986 | 48600 | Corydon | Arthur
    356987 | 48600 | Cymon | Collins
    356988 | 48600 | Mopsus | Dunstall





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