03 February 1748

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1747-1748
Volume: 4
Comments: Both pieces By command of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales (General Advertiser). On 8 Feb. will be performed the Suspicious Husband for the benefit of Bridgwater. The kind reception I have met with in the character of the Suspicious Husband, has emboldened me to hope for the further encouragement of the town, on my Benefit night; especially as I have not troubled them on such an occasion for several seasons (General Advertiser)

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Busy Body. As 23 Dec. 1747, but Miranda-Mrs Giffard. *a??cg Tea. As 21 Jan. *c??cg Both pieces By command of their Royal Highnesses the $Prince and Princess of Wales= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). On 8 Feb. will be performed the <i>Suspicious Husband</i> for the benefit of $Bridgwater=. The kind reception I have met with in the character of the Suspicious Husband, has emboldened me to hope for the further encouragement of the town, on my Benefit night; especially as I have not troubled them on such an occasion for several seasons (<i>General Advertiser</i>).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1748 02 03 cg The Busy Body. ^As17471223^, but Miranda-Mrs Giffard.*a1748 02 03 cg Tea. ^As17480121^.*c1748 02 03 cg Both pieces By command of their Royal Highnesses the $Prince and Princess of Wales= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). On 8 Feb. will be performed the <i>Suspicious Husband</i> for the benefit of $Bridgwater=. The kind reception I have met with in the character of the Suspicious Husband, has emboldened me to hope for the further encouragement of the town, on my Benefit night; especially as I have not troubled them on such an occasion for several seasons (<i>General Advertiser</i>).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 24074 | 17480203 | cg | Both pieces By command of their Royal Highnesses the $Prince and Princess of Wales= (<i>General Advertiser</i>). On 8 Feb. will be performed the <i>Suspicious Husband</i> for the benefit of $Bridgwater=. The kind reception I have met with in the character of the Suspicious Husband, has emboldened me to hope for the further encouragement of the town, on my Benefit night; especially as I have not troubled them on such an occasion for several seasons (<i>General Advertiser</i>)
    Performance: 47920 | 24074 | p | The Busy Body | As17471223, but Miranda-Mrs Giffard.
    AsSeeDate: 47920 | cg | p | As | 17471223
    78255 | 47920 | Miranda | Mrs Giffard.
    354074 | 47920 | Marplot | Cibber
    354075 | 47920 | Sir George | Ryan
    354076 | 47920 | Sir Francis | Collins
    354077 | 47920 | Charles | Gibson
    354078 | 47920 | Sir Jealous | Bridges
    354079 | 47920 | Isabinda | Mrs Hale
    354080 | 47920 | Whisper | James
    354081 | 47920 | Patch | Mrs Bland.
    Performance: 47921 | 24074 | a | Tea | As17480121.
    AsSeeDate: 47921 | cg | a | As | 17480121
    354082 | 47921 | to conclude with a new <i>Grand Country Dance</i> | .
    354083 | 47921 | Advertised as for the Thirty | eighth Day.


As17471223, but Miranda-Mrs Giffard.


Title: Tea

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