13 May 1730

Event Information
Theatre: Goodman's Fields
Theatrical Season: 1729-1730
Volume: 3

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pkgf The Constant Couple. As 6 Feb., but Clincher Jr-Lacy. *dkgf <i>DDutch Skipper</i>-Sandham; <i>Two Pierrots</i>-Burny, Eaton. *skgf Miss Thornowets. *mkgf A Lesson on the Harpsicord [upon the Stage%-Burk Thumoth[, age 13%; [Also a Trumpet Piece called% <i>Sellano</i>-; accompanied [by the rest of the Musick%-.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1730 05 13 gf The Constant Couple. ^As17300206^, but Clincher Jr-Lacy.*d1730 05 13 gf <i>DDutch Skipper</i>-Sandham; <i>Two Pierrots</i>-Burny, Eaton.*s1730 05 13 gf Miss Thornowets.*m1730 05 13 gf A Lesson on the Harpsicord upon the Stage-Burk Thumoth, age 13; Also a Trumpet Piece called <i>Sellano</i>-; accompanied by the rest of the Musick-.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 13416 | 17300513 | gf
    Performance: 22893 | 13416 | p | The Constant Couple | As17300206, but Clincher Jr-Lacy.
    AsSeeDate: 22893 | gf | p | As | 17300206
    31299 | 22893 | Clincher Jr | Lacy.
    251710 | 22893 | Lady Darling | Mrs Kirk.
    251711 | 22893 | Sir Harry | Giffard
    251712 | 22893 | Standard | Smith
    251713 | 22893 | Vizard | W. Williams
    251714 | 22893 | Smugler | Collet
    251715 | 22893 | Beau Clincher | Penkethman
    251716 | 22893 | Young Clincher | W. Bullock
    251717 | 22893 | Dicky | Eaton
    251718 | 22893 | Tom Errand | R. Williams
    251719 | 22893 | Lady Lurewell | Mrs Giffard
    251720 | 22893 | Angelica | Mrs Haughton
    251721 | 22893 | Parly | Mrs Thomas.
    Performance: 22894 | 13416 | d | <i>DDutch Skipper</i>-Sandham; <i>Two Pierrots</i>-Burny, Eaton
    Performance: 22895 | 13416 | s | Miss Thornowets
    Performance: 22896 | 13416 | m | A Lesson on the Harpsicord upon the Stage-Burk Thumoth, age 13; Also a Trumpet Piece called <i>Sellano</i>-; accompanied by the rest of the Musick-


As17300206, but Clincher Jr-Lacy.


Comment: DDutch Skipper-Sandham; Two Pierrots-Burny, Eaton


Comment: Miss Thornowets


Comment: A Lesson on the Harpsicord upon the Stage-Burk Thumoth, age 13; Also a Trumpet Piece called Sellano-; accompanied by the rest of the Musick-

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