14 February 1676

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1675-1676
Volume: 1
Comments: L. C. 7@1, p. 5: His Majesty? understanding That His Company of Comoedians have left off acting upon private differences and disagreements betweene themselues is very much displeased thereat And hath commanded mee to require and order the said Company forthwith to act and play as formerly And that none of the said Company presume to leave off Acting (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 325n)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?dl Comment. *c?dl <i>L. C.</i> 7@1, p. 5: $His Majesty?= understanding That His Company of Comoedians have left off acting upon private differences and disagreements betweene themselues is very much displeased thereat And hath commanded mee to require and order the said Company forthwith to act and play as formerly And that none of the said Company presume to leave off Acting (<i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 325n).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1676 02 14 dl Comment.*c1676 02 14 dl <i>L. C.</i> 7@1, p. 5: $His Majesty?= understanding That His Company of Comoedians have left off acting upon private differences and disagreements betweene themselues is very much displeased thereat And hath commanded mee to require and order the said Company forthwith to act and play as formerly And that none of the said Company presume to leave off Acting (<i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 325n).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1211 | 16760214 | dl | <i>L. C.</i> 7@1, p. 5: $His Majesty?= understanding That His Company of Comoedians have left off acting upon private differences and disagreements betweene themselues is very much displeased thereat And hath commanded mee to require and order the said Company forthwith to act and play as formerly And that none of the said Company presume to leave off Acting (<i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 325n)

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