SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1010, 1442, 1447, 1711, 2446, 2505, 2508, 2878, 2907, 3024, 3583, 3618, 3704, 3753, 3754, 3766, 3773, 3806, 3809, 4015, 4025, 4035, 4115, 4203, 4272, 4553, 4563, 4814, 5157, 5159, 5162, 5667, 6181, 6701, 6874, 6900, 6901, 6906, 6909, 6996, 7046, 7072, 7421, 7444, 7673, 7943, 7985, 8144, 8215, 8942, 8976, 8982, 9011, 9056, 9097, 9198, 9207, 9281, 9426, 9488, 9540, 9647, 9926, 9990, 10292, 10342, 10415, 10937, 10946, 11100, 11229, 11328, 11329, 11747, 11871, 11904, 12002, 12096, 12111, 12125, 12174, 12188, 12196, 12203, 12246, 12264, 12291, 12309, 12321, 12348, 12388, 12438, 12479, 12504, 12507, 12568, 12627, 12661, 12663, 12702, 12742, 12835, 12869, 12873, 12882, 12887, 12990, 13010, 13107, 13175, 13181, 13183, 13192, 13256, 13258, 13260, 13286, 13304, 13313, 13316, 13524, 13536, 13589, 13627, 13715, 13743, 13806, 13820, 13882, 13910, 13973, 13974, 14053, 14172, 14202, 14268, 14325, 14347, 14369, 14398, 14401, 14402, 14404, 14405, 14422, 14430, 14463, 14552, 14553, 14619, 14695, 14760, 14762, 14792, 14800, 14844, 14855, 14859, 14865, 14948, 14967, 15013, 15045, 15069, 15087, 15094, 15126, 15152, 15189, 15214, 15217, 15221, 15267, 15307, 15339, 15396, 15424, 15498, 15506, 15516, 15553, 15566, 15666, 15746, 15748, 15792, 15828, 15855, 15856, 15859, 15894, 15903, 15907, 15987, 16009, 16030, 16075, 16251, 16306, 16335, 16427, 16440, 16480, 16504, 16510, 16531, 16544, 16624, 16632, 16651, 16699, 16854, 16898, 16940, 16960, 17016, 17110, 17119, 17261, 17262, 17310, 17369, 17371, 17385, 17416, 17491, 17503, 17554, 17647, 17668, 17796, 17905, 17976, 18000, 18075, 18127, 18128, 18143, 18148, 18149, 18171, 18179, 18190, 18233, 18239, 18327, 18379, 18678, 18765, 18777, 18854, 18855, 18881, 18913, 18921, 18923, 18929, 18945, 18974, 19015, 19089, 19108, 19143, 19239, 19283, 19298, 19380, 19387, 19448, 19453, 19464, 19523, 19531, 19550, 19579, 19581, 19618, 19619, 19652, 19714, 19722, 19732, 19744, 19746, 19754, 19856, 19869, 20021, 20062, 20136, 20194, 20197, 20204, 20315, 20360, 20406, 20445, 20461, 20574, 20697, 20717, 20731, 20733, 20800, 20805, 20855, 20858, 20861, 20949, 20971, 21005, 21049, 21147, 21150, 21212, 21232, 21255, 21301, 21322, 21393, 21410, 21518, 21563, 21569, 21624, 21710, 21738, 21782, 21856, 21890, 21925, 21981, 22054, 22132, 22142, 22155, 22161, 22186, 22195, 22308, 22359, 22363, 22392, 22458, 22494, 22521, 22701, 22735, 22766, 22824, 22836, 22841, 22877, 22892, 22903, 22926, 22991, 23012, 23050, 23051, 23087, 23117, 23133, 23166, 23192, 23210, 23240, 23243, 23297, 23317, 23352, 23390, 23443, 23485, 23565, 23568, 23576, 23581, 23584, 23587, 23616, 23629, 23636, 23689, 23702, 23704, 23755, 23758, 23791, 23825, 23850, 23871, 23897, 23917, 23936, 24040, 24051, 24100, 24156, 24180, 24332, 24342, 24370, 24371, 24380, 24395, 24398, 24400, 24403, 24406, 24407, 24408, 24409, 24411, 24414, 24430, 24464, 24468, 24518, 24534, 24552, 24584, 24635, 24686, 24688, 24721, 24730, 24746, 24761, 24805, 24875, 24877, 24885, 24892, 24927, 24928, 24931, 24935, 24949, 24982, 24993, 25040, 25073, 25094, 25104, 25134, 25157, 25224, 25252, 25390, 25391, 25392, 25407, 25432, 25437, 25499, 25542, 25610, 25645, 25671, 25674, 25682, 25764, 25795, 25800, 25810, 25818, 25844, 25847, 25849, 25851, 25853, 25921, 25924, 25950, 25971, 25992, 26055, 26089, 26091, 26139, 26204, 26211, 26228, 26248, 26253, 26332, 26350, 26402, 26447, 26493, 26562, 26595, 26640, 26695, 26728, 26730, 26761, 26768, 26778, 26808, 26826, 26866, 26928, 27051, 27054, 27097, 27201, 27221, 27227, 27244, 27271, 27312, 27372, 27380, 27402, 27406, 27456, 27537, 27548, 27579, 27601, 27609, 27638, 27680, 27697, 27714, 27731, 27768, 27888, 28010, 28079, 28090, 28170, 28204, 28212, 28279, 28394, 28472, 28482, 28485, 28489, 28564, 28629, 28674, 28703, 28826, 28977, 29002, 29196, 29224, 29255, 29364, 29391, 29457, 29485, 29522, 29565, 29730, 29824, 29875, 29995, 30107, 30150, 30180, 30303, 30325, 30361, 30476, 30480, 30482, 30485, 30487, 30490, 30494, 30497, 30499, 30592, 30595, 30672, 30797, 31425, 31503, 31870, 32121, 32126, 32131, 32173, 32213, 32217, 32240, 32264, 32332, 32336, 32395, 32442, 32551, 32619, 32678, 32752, 32839, 32850, 33093, 33136, 33243, 33245, 33252, 33302, 33515, 33667, 33695, 33757, 33759, 33800, 33821, 33851, 33860, 33885, 33986, 34170, 34214, 34259, 34358, 34393, 34454, 34541, 34559, 34620, 34724, 34737, 34792, 34912, 34914, 34916, 34918, 34920, 34922, 34924, 34932, 34936, 34942, 34952, 34955, 34977, 34992, 35009, 35045, 35073, 35102, 35128, 35184, 35319, 35365, 35462, 35477, 35486, 35529, 35533, 35564, 35583, 35610, 35629, 35634, 35643, 35654, 35689, 35708, 35729, 35770, 35839, 35861, 35863, 35932, 35940, 35958, 35981, 36004, 36012, 36068, 36075, 36100, 36107, 36121, 36135, 36149, 36217, 36299, 36374, 36572, 36694, 36715, 36742, 36750, 36784, 37037, 37266, 37330, 37359, 37394, 37597, 37663, 37830, 37831, 37850, 37856, 37859, 37865, 37879, 37912, 37969, 38193, 38319, 38355, 38376, 38381, 38385, 38396, 38410, 38536, 38568, 38689, 38741, 38820, 38821, 38822, 38824, 38827, 38832, 38836, 38848, 38854, 38926, 38931, 38975, 39013, 39135, 39137, 39142, 39146, 39151, 39156, 39160, 39184, 39190, 39205, 39213, 39219, 39286, 39333, 39444, 39469, 39690, 39693, 39704, 39855, 39857, 39992, 39996, 39999, 40018, 40028, 40067, 40074, 40107, 40112, 40114, 40121, 40123, 40126, 40130, 40140, 40154, 40158, 40162, 40165, 40181, 40189, 40207, 40231, 40360, 40415, 40460, 40614, 40637, 40659, 40721, 40740, 40743, 40762, 40764, 40813, 40824, 40916, 40924, 40933, 41150, 41161, 41204, 41246, 41287, 41353, 41395, 41400, 41405, 41409, 41411, 41418, 41421, 41425, 41426, 41431, 41435, 41443, 41448, 41456, 41463, 41500, 41516, 41525, 41530, 41550, 41560, 41574, 41578, 41611, 41622, 41653, 41654, 41655, 41656, 41657, 41658, 41660, 41663, 41666, 41669, 41671, 41672, 41674, 41678, 41680, 41682, 41685, 41734, 41812, 41901, 41917, 41930, 41940, 41953, 41962, 42000, 42056, 42061, 42164, 42168, 42171, 42175, 42183, 42186, 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47382, 47461, 47484, 47542, 47554, 47576, 47593, 47738, 47849, 47860, 47902, 47944, 48000, 48113, 48313, 48315, 48317, 48338, 48406, 48537, 48585, 48735, 48742, 48760, 48762, 48768, 48770, 48771, 48772, 48782, 48784, 48786, 48788, 48790, 48792, 48797, 48801, 48804, 48808, 48813, 48816, 48818, 48827, 48831, 48845, 48850, 48852, 48859, 48864, 48866, 48880, 48883, 48891, 48903, 48919, 48928, 48931, 48948, 49092, 49184, 49198, 49216, 49219, 49242, 49260, 49299, 49323, 49358, 49366, 49393, 49563, 49564, 49585, 49667, 49787, 49826, 49864, 49906, 49923, 49924, 49926, 49929, 49931, 49933, 49935, 49938, 49940, 49943, 49945, 49947, 49949, 49952, 49954, 49957, 49959, 49961, 49963, 49966, 49968, 49971, 49973, 49975, 49978, 49983, 49985, 49987, 49992, 49994, 49998, 50001, 50004, 50006, 50009, 50010, 50012, 50013, 50016, 50019, 50022, 50023, 50026, 50029, 50031, 50035, 50037, 50038, 50041, 50044, 50048, 50060, 50061, 50075, 50076, 50087, 50099, 50104, 50113, 50116, 50118, 50134, 50148, 50163, 50177, 50193, 50195, 50207, 50381, 50421, 50471, 50481, 50548, 50600, 50929, 50932, 51043, 51120, 51186, 51215, 51322, 51371, 51492, 51692, 51975, 52244, 52307, 52367, 52374, 52377, 52379, 52383, 52389, 52394, 52397, 52398, 52403, 52408, 52444, 52449, 52454, 52458, 52481, 52483, 52499, 52512) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Ramble; Or, The Town-humours

Role: Townlove Actor: Betterton


Mainpiece Title: Sir Barnaby Whigg; Or, No Wit Like A Womans

Role: Townly Actor: Goodman


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Williams


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune-hunters; Or, Two Fools Well Met

Role: Shamtown Actor: Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Gentleman Cully

Role: Townlove Actor: Booth


Mainpiece Title: Ibrahim; The 13th Emperor Of The Turks

Song: A new song-Mrs Shaw, never perform'd before, compos'd by a Gentleman lately arriv'd from Dublin

Music: An Extraordinary Entertainment , all of Flutes-Mr Paisible

Dance: A Mimick Night Scene- after the Italian Manner by a newScaramouch, Harlequin; A new dance-Cottin, Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Entertainment: Several pretty Entertainments-


Mainpiece Title: Volpone


Dance: To be expressed in the Bills


Mainpiece Title: The Unfortunate Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Comical Transformation

Afterpiece Title: The Wit of a Woman

Dance: Italian Scaramouch-Layfield; a new Morris Dance-two men, two women


Mainpiece Title: Farewell Folly; Or, The Younger The Wiser

Role: Townly Actor: Mills


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: Tunbridge Walks; Or, The Yeoman Of Kent

Afterpiece Title: A Visiting Scene of 4 Aldermen's Ladies

Song: The Mad Dialogue, other songs-Leveridge, Mrs Lindsey

Dance: duRuel, Cherrier, duBargues, Miss Santlow; particularly the Union Dance, as twas perform'd before Her Majesty at St. James's-Mrs Santlow, duBargues


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune Hunters; Or, Two Fools Well Met

Role: Sham Town Actor: Pack


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune Hunters

Role: Shamtown Actor: Pack


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Dance: As17071031


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Husband


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Mills


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Role: Townly Actor: Mills


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune Hunters; Or, Two Fools Well Met

Role: Shamtown Actor: Cross