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52532) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Liar

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: Vocal Parts, as17991228, but _Sedgwick


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The Will

Role: Sir Solomon Cynic Actor: Dowton

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Afterpiece Title: The Soldier's Festival; or, The Night before the Battle

Dance: In II: Negro Dance-Bologna, King, Platt, Blurton

Song: End: The Tight Little Island-Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Day

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The School For Wives

Afterpiece Title: The Honest Thieves

Afterpiece Title: The Soldier's Festival

Entertainment: Vaudeville. End 1st piece: Black Ey'd Susan-Incledon; Whims & Fancies[; or, +Patches from Harlequin's Jacket (an Entertainment, both Serious and Comic, selected from the best Authors)-Betterton; The Bull and Boat[; or, +Law! Law! Law!-; The Snug [i.e. Tight] Little Island-Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline, King Of Britain

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Afterpiece Title: The Soldier's Festival

Song: In II 1st piece: Hark! the Lark-Hill, Linton, Miss Wheatley, Mrs Atkins; Young William was a Seaman True (composed by himself), Sally in our Alley-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Song: Vocal Parts, as17991228, but Mrs Coates, Mrs _Chippendale


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Marian

Afterpiece Title: The Soldier's Festival

Song: End II 1st piece: a Musical Address Mark when beneath the western main (Dramatic Censor, II, 197), Written expressly for the occasion by T. Dutton, A. M., and composed by Mazzinghi-Miss Waters; End III: O Strike the Harp-Incledon, Linton, Miss Waters; accompanied on the Harp-Weippert; End IV: Happy were the Days-Miss Waters; End 1st piece: Sigh no more Ladies-Incledon, Townsend, Linton, Master Slape, Miss Waters


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Afterpiece Title: Hartford Bridge

Song: End II: A New Hunting Song- (never [previously] performed, composed by Davy); End III: Sally in our Alley-Incledon; End: The Red Cross Knight, as18000426; End I afterpiece: The Sailor's Journal-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Haunted Tower

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Role: Solyman Actor: Barrymore

Song: In afterpiece: The Blue Bell of Scotland, as18000512; accompanied on the Lute, as18000512; II: song-Master Suett


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: The Ghost

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Song: In course of Evening: Love thou maddening Power-Mrs Trevor; Old Towler-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Fashionable Levities

Afterpiece Title: A Whitsun Festival

Afterpiece Title: Five Thousand a Year

Afterpiece Title: Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed

Song: End I: the Battle Song-Incledon as18000522


Mainpiece Title: Every One Has His Fault

Role: Solus Actor: Waddy

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Role: Solyman Actor: Barrymore

Dance: End I: Hornpipe-Miss Rogers (2nd appearance on any stage see18000611); In course Evening: by Permission of the Proprietors of the Royal Circus, a new Anacreontic Pantomimical Ballet, composed by Byrne, The Animated Statue Principal Characters-Byrne, Mrs Byrne, Platt, Mrs Watts, the three Miss Adams', Master Byrne

Song: End: Laughing Song-Dighton

Entertainment: After Singing: Imitations-Rees (positively his last appearance on any stage)


Mainpiece Title: Zorinski

Role: Rosolia Actor: Miss Gaudry.

Afterpiece Title: 'Tis All a Farce


Mainpiece Title: Zorinski

Role: Rosolia Actor: Miss Gaudry.

Afterpiece Title: 'Tis All a Farce