SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1221, 19107, 19109, 19111, 19115, 19126, 19131, 19134, 19136, 19145, 30343, 30346, 30348, 30351, 30355, 30360, 30365, 30376, 30403, 30436, 30455, 30467, 30627, 30718, 30720, 30723, 30726, 30729, 30733, 30755, 36238, 36240, 36242, 36244, 36297, 36304, 36309, 36314, 36320, 36344, 36394, 37378, 37380, 37382, 37384, 37388, 37393, 37398, 37402, 37407, 37414, 37419, 37424, 37439, 37460, 37467, 37479, 37517, 37646, 37942, 37944, 37946, 37948, 37950, 37952, 37955, 37957, 37959, 37961, 38860, 38864, 38867, 38870, 38873, 38883, 38885, 38888, 38906, 38918, 38920, 38962, 39181, 39245, 39282, 39288, 39960, 39961, 39962, 39963, 39964, 39966, 39968, 39970, 39972, 39978, 39981, 39985, 39990, 39998, 40001, 40009, 40011, 40013, 40014, 40110, 40119, 40124, 40133, 40138, 40147, 40152, 40161, 40171, 40186, 40200, 40215, 40255, 40404, 40414, 40429, 40605, 40607, 40609, 40610, 40612, 40614, 40618, 40621, 40623, 40625, 40627, 40641, 40643, 40645, 40648, 40652, 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Mainpiece Title: The Generous Impostor

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Norwood Gypsies

Dance: In afterpiece: Dancing, as17800925


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Lyar

Dance: As17801018


Mainpiece Title: The Generous Impostor

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: End: new grand Polish Dance-Mettalcourt (1st appearance here), Harris, Miss Besford; In afterpiece: a Minuet-Aldridge, Mrs Mattocks


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of an Election

Dance: As17801018


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Norwood Gypsies

Dance: In afterpiece: Dancing, as17800925


Mainpiece Title: The Generous Impostor

Afterpiece Title: The Critic


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Dance: In afterpiece: Minuet, as17801205


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: The Norwood Gypsies

Dance: In afterpiece: Dancing, as17800925


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Critic


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: In afterpiece: Blurton


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Jubilee


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage

Dance: As17810102


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Lyar


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Dance: End: The Butterfly, as17800921


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice


Mainpiece Title: The Islanders

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Free-Mason


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Dance: End: Dance-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Delpini, Sga Crespi, Henry, Miss Armstrong


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice