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Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Peruvian Officer Actor: Archer

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17990628

Song: As17990628


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Officer Actor:

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Officer Actor:

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Song: End II: Crazy Jane-Mrs Bland; In the character of Josephine in afterpiece 'Twas in the solemn mid@night hour-Mrs Bland the Ballad in Sighs; End I afterpiece: Little Taffline ; or, The Silken Sash-Mrs Bland


Mainpiece Title: The Wheel Of Fortune

Role: Officer Actor: Wentworth

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Entertainment: Vaudeville In II afterpiece: Military Manoeuvres-; [the Dead March-; [the Ceremony used in Shooting a Deserter-. [These were included in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Officer Actor: Klanert

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Song: Mainpiece: Vocal Parts-Incledon, Johnstone, Hill, Linton, Gardner, Denman, Blurton, King, Street, Lee, Little, Thomas, Sawyer, Tett, Dyke, Ms Waters, Ms Davenport, Ms Chapman, Ms Atkins, Ms Wheatley, Ms Iliff, Ms Sims, Ms Whitmore, Ms Follett, Ms Watts, Ms Castelle, Ms Norton, Ms Gilbert, Ms Leserve, Ms Lloyd, Ms Masters, Ms Blurton, Ms Sydney, Ms Burnett, Ms Martyr


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog; Or, Wine Does Wonders

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Entertainment: Procession End II: A Return from a Tiger Hunt- [to the Rajah's Palace, representing the Rajah on an Elephant, returning from Hunting the Tiger, preceded by his Hircarrahs, or military Messengers, and his State Palanquin-the Vizier on another Elephant-the +Princess in a Gaurie, drawn by Buffaloes-the Rajah is attended by his Fakeer, or Soothsayer, his Officers of State, and by an Ambassador from Tippoo Sultaun in a Palanquin; also by Nairs (or Soldiers from the South of India), Poligars (or Inhabitants of the Hilly Districts), with their Hunting-dogs, other Indians carrying a dead Tiger, and young Tigers in a Cage; a number of Seapoys-Musicians on Camels and on Foot-Dancing Girls. [This was included in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Officer Actor: Klanert

Afterpiece Title: The Death of Captain Cook

Song: Vocal Parts, as17990930, but _Dyke, Whitmore, added: Ms +Litchfield, Ms +Mills, Ms +Dibdin, _Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor


Mainpiece Title: The Wheel Of Fortune

Role: Officer Actor: Wentworth

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard


Mainpiece Title: Management

Afterpiece Title: The Ghost

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile

Role: French Officer Actor: Wilde


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile

Role: French Officer Actor: Wilde


Mainpiece Title: The Wheel Of Fortune

Role: Officer Actor: Wentworth

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter


Mainpiece Title: Douglas

Role: Officer Actor: Surmont

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: The Volcano


Mainpiece Title: The Wheel Of Fortune

Role: Officer Actor: Wentworth

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska


Mainpiece Title: Adelaide

Role: Officer Actor: Maddocks

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor


Mainpiece Title: Adelaide

Role: Officer Actor: Maddocks

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska


Mainpiece Title: Adelaide

Role: Officer Actor: Maddocks

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: Barnaby Brittle


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Ghost

Role: French Officer Actor: Wilde

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Role: Officer Actor: Webb

Afterpiece Title: The Liar