SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (303, 596, 996, 1326, 1337, 2013, 2348, 2380, 2519, 2555, 4023, 4436, 4893, 4894, 4910, 4946, 4961, 4964, 5165, 5169, 5256, 5266, 5338, 5350, 5359, 5447, 5624, 5842, 6005, 6266, 6604, 7120, 7344, 7388, 7470, 8070, 8237, 8336, 8416, 8771, 9238, 9428, 9638, 9725, 9972, 10369, 11003, 11005, 11007, 11071, 11073, 11076, 11078, 11081, 11083, 11085, 11087, 11090, 11092, 11095, 11097, 11099, 11101, 11104, 11107, 11110, 11112, 11114, 11117, 11119, 11122, 11123, 11125, 11127, 11130, 11132, 11135, 11137, 11139, 11149, 11152, 11155, 11158, 11161, 11164, 11167, 11169, 11175, 11178, 11180, 11183, 11198, 11204, 11381, 11382, 11384, 11389, 11394, 11404, 11406, 11410, 11433, 11437, 11447, 11459, 11461, 11467, 11474, 11475, 11499, 11506, 11515, 11517, 11540, 11555, 11571, 11579, 11584, 11596, 11598, 11599, 11749, 11751, 11763, 11777, 11786, 11787, 11789, 11798, 11827, 11831, 11833, 11836, 11837, 11838, 11840, 11842, 11846, 11850, 11856, 11858, 11877, 11913, 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49041, 49053, 49056, 49066, 49077, 49081, 49083, 49086, 49090, 49096, 49100, 49135, 49137, 49155, 49190, 49193, 49199, 49206, 49214, 49239, 49255, 49279, 49304, 49370, 49395, 49398, 49410, 49451, 49582, 49584, 49586, 49591, 49601, 49620, 49621, 49639, 49657, 49664, 49690, 49694, 49696, 49714, 49727, 49775, 49780, 49788, 49802, 49822, 49853, 49892, 49937, 49958, 50015, 50034, 50040, 50072, 50180, 50190, 50208, 50214, 50240, 50243, 50247, 50283, 50289, 50322, 50327, 50352, 50366, 50376, 50429, 50463, 50516, 50632, 50667, 50704, 50709, 50712, 50717, 50722, 50726, 50766, 50779, 50783, 50877, 50912, 50922, 50964, 51023, 51047, 51252, 51359, 51369, 51394, 51515, 51685, 51830, 51917, 51993, 52033, 52060, 52088, 52417, 52453, 52486, 52491, 52508, 52523, 52596) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: (by Dby Desire) The Strollers

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Cibber

Dance: End I: Harlequin Dance-Young Master Lally, Miss Brett; II: Miss Brett; Comic Dance-Rainton, Miss Robinson Sr; III: Turks Dance-Thurmond; IV: Rainton, Miss Robinson; Miss Brett; V: Pieraite-Roger, Mrs Brett; Drunken Man-Harper


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.

Dance: DDrunken Man-Harper


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.


Mainpiece Title: Don John; Or, The Libertine Destroyed

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Imposter

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Cibber

Dance: Mrs Booth, Essex, Miss Robinson; Harlequin-Young Lally, Miss Brett


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort


Mainpiece Title: The Emperor Of The Moon

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgo-Master Trick'd

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort


Mainpiece Title: The Emperor Of The Moon

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: A Woman's Revenge

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Mountfort



Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Pelling.


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Walter.

Dance: Essex, others


Mainpiece Title: The Mistake

Afterpiece Title: Hob's Opera

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Chantrell

Dance: HHighlander and Mistress-Salle, Mrs Legar; French Sailor-Salle, Mrs Legar


Mainpiece Title: Tunbridge Walks; Or, The Yeoman Of Kent

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Chantrell

Dance: DDutch Skipper-Moreau, Mrs Bullock; A Scotch Jig called The Dusty Miller-Moreau; A new Grand Ballet (English, French, Dutch Characters) composed by Moreau-Salle, Mrs Legar, Dupre, Mrs Pelling, Moreau, Mrs Moreau, Newhouse, Mrs Ogden, Pelling, Mrs Bullock, Legar, Miss LaTour

Song: Papillion


Mainpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Role: Flora Actor: Mrs Chantrell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin a Sorcerer

Dance: HHighlander and Mistress-Salle, Mrs Legar