SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (2371, 3799, 3921, 4055, 4120, 4259, 4290, 4362, 4432, 4503, 4568, 4626, 4809, 4892, 4963, 5099, 5171, 5331, 5735, 5824, 5972, 6086, 6212, 6411, 6520, 6605, 6744, 6783, 6790, 6961, 7074, 7153, 7230, 7372, 7456, 7884, 7905, 7922, 8018, 8115, 8257, 8340, 8352, 8371, 8425, 8476, 8721, 8755, 8794, 8854, 8894, 9080, 9136, 9243, 9322, 9382, 9403, 9419, 9779, 9911, 10242, 10330, 10974, 11269, 11429, 11769, 12151, 12509, 12916, 12942, 12951, 12954, 13002, 13091, 13233, 13312, 13381, 13400, 13579, 13655, 13689, 13697, 13853, 13874, 13995, 14125, 14197, 14201, 14490, 14549, 14660, 14679, 14683, 14856, 14873, 15072, 15115, 15230, 15242, 15247, 15313, 15451, 15457, 15611, 15698, 15701, 15710, 15775, 15916, 15964, 16021, 16093, 16172, 16429, 16574, 16680, 16725, 16740, 16800, 16834, 16862, 16902, 16977, 17052, 17116, 17213, 17220, 17271, 17279, 17398, 17449, 17542, 17798, 17896, 18104, 18257, 18357, 18567, 18826, 18839, 18878, 18930, 18956, 19110, 19194, 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Mainpiece Title: The Italian Monk

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Menage


Mainpiece Title: Lionel And Clarissa

Afterpiece Title: The Irishman in London

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss DeCamp

Song: As17980705


Mainpiece Title: Cambro-britons

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Menage


Mainpiece Title: Elfrida

Dance: As17980614

Ballet: Le Deserteur. As17980614

Role: Louisa Actor: Mme Laborie


Mainpiece Title: Elfrida

Dance: As17980614

Ballet: Le Deserteur. As17980614

Role: Louisa Actor: Mme Laborie


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: Sylvester Daggerwood

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Griffiths


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Menage


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Menage


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Irishman in London

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss DeCamp

Song: End: Patents all the Rage-Munden; A Mock Italian Song-Fawcett; The Group of Lovers ; or, Beauty at her Levee-Munden; a new song, The British Volunteers-Johnstone; with Chorus-Trueman, D'Arcy, Linton, Waldron Jun., Abbot, Lyons


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquer

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Walcup


Mainpiece Title: The Revenge

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth

Song: End: the official news of Nelson's victory at the Nile, on 1 August 1798, was given out; the audience called for Rule Britannia-Kelly, Dignum, Sedgwick, Miss Leak, Mrs Bland; God save the King- [(London Chronicle, 4 Oct.)]


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Powell

Afterpiece Title: The Captive of Spilburg

Dance: As17981205


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Powell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth


Mainpiece Title: Douglas

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Powell

Afterpiece Title: Feudal Times


Mainpiece Title: The Secret

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: Wit's Last Stake

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Crouch

Song: V: a song, as17990214

Entertainment: Monologue End: The Picture of a Play House; or, Bucks have at ye all-R. Palmer; Vaudeville II 3rd piece: Military Manoeuvres-; The Dead March-; the Ceremony Shooting a Deserter-


Mainpiece Title: The Inconstant

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Crouch

Entertainment: Vaudeville. In II afterpiece: Military Manoeuvres, as17990425; The Dead March, as17990425; Shooting a Deserter, as17990425


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Crouch

Entertainment: Monologues End: Collins's Ode on the Passions (1st time)-Miss Heard; Epilogue in the Character of Cupid-Master Chatterley


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth

Song: End I: Sweet Lillies of the Valley-Dignum; End IV: My Friend is the Man I'd copy through Life (written by Miles Peter Andrews, Esq., composed by Hook)-Dignum; V: a song, as17990214


Mainpiece Title: What Is She

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Walcup


Mainpiece Title: Every One Has His Fault

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Chapman

Song: End II: a song [Rosalie (Monthly Mirror, Aug. 1799, p. 109)]-Miss Waters; End III: The Death of Admiral Benbow-Incledon; End IV: a favorite duet-Incledon, Miss Waters; End: Old Towler-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper

Role: Louisa Actor: Miss Wentworth

Song: As17990529