SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (933, 992, 1982, 2034, 4033, 5132, 5145, 5150, 5154, 7214, 7293, 7426, 7429, 8114, 10388, 12184, 12279, 12281, 12916, 12927, 13005, 13079, 13493, 13530, 13632, 13813, 13921, 13959, 14146, 14218, 14263, 14349, 14394, 14524, 14794, 14822, 14965, 14983, 15096, 15171, 15491, 15730, 15765, 15958, 16557, 16883, 16988, 16992, 16996, 17082, 17379, 18701, 18958, 19040, 19144, 19146, 19151, 19237, 19347, 19411, 19415, 19418, 19420, 19455, 19521, 19621, 19697, 19978, 20006, 20080, 20207, 20220, 20425, 20478, 20484, 20520, 20723, 20727, 20768, 21019, 21029, 21844, 21915, 21917, 21921, 21922, 21924, 21935, 21946, 21952, 21974, 21980, 21983, 21988, 21990, 22000, 22129, 22134, 22210, 22229, 22231, 22258, 22267, 22302, 22312, 22321, 22330, 22336, 22461, 22470, 22480, 22493, 22505, 22534, 22695, 22786, 22792, 22918, 23019, 23223, 23230, 23253, 23272, 23280, 23345, 23363, 23377, 23389, 23418, 23432, 23433, 23435, 23440, 23443, 23451, 23472, 23478, 23509, 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37747, 37752, 37755, 37757, 37764, 37767, 37769, 37772, 37780, 38059, 38072, 38086, 38149, 38189, 38256, 38269, 38286, 38303, 38309, 38374, 38402, 38411, 38456, 38463, 38601, 38604, 38664, 38789, 38803, 38834, 38872, 39032, 39034, 39036, 39038, 39041, 39043, 39047, 39049, 39051, 39054, 39056, 39058, 39060, 39065, 39067, 39072, 39074, 39076, 39086, 39098, 39114, 39137, 39163, 39199, 39242, 39262, 39270, 39341, 39448, 39451, 39452, 39455, 39457, 39466, 39473, 39483, 39490, 39497, 39499, 39523, 39527, 39541, 39553, 39600, 39695, 39790, 39793, 39803, 39819, 39824, 39827, 39850, 39860, 39862, 39872, 39887, 39895, 39904, 39936, 39997, 40002, 40029, 40034, 40055, 40107, 40136, 40172, 40276, 40374, 40431, 40449, 40569, 40575, 40585, 40599, 40622, 40643, 40646, 40763, 40879, 40926, 41015, 41019, 41020, 41026, 41031, 41081, 41084, 41085, 41116, 41117, 41129, 41135, 41140, 41178, 41219, 41230, 41242, 41244, 41263, 41265, 41282, 41285, 41296, 41298, 41319, 41328, 41343, 41460, 41509, 41514, 41522, 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Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Afterpiece Title: A Trip to the Nore


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Simon Actor: Abbot

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: False Impressions

Role: Simon Single Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Suett


Mainpiece Title: False Impressions

Role: Simon Single Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor

Role: Simon Actor: Russell


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Wathen.


Mainpiece Title: False Impressions

Role: Simon Single Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard


Mainpiece Title: False Impressions

Role: Simon Single Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: False Impressions

Role: Simon Single Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman

Afterpiece Title: Retaliation; or, The Citizen a Soldier

Song: In course: by permission of Dibdin, Old England's tree of Liberty-Taylor; a new Comic Song, Patents all the Rage-Munden


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Simon Actor: Abbot

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Sylvester Daggerwood

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day


Mainpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Simon Actor: Abbot

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature

Dance: End 1st piece: Peggy's Love- in which, by permission of the Proprietor of the Opera House, who has generously allowed Principal Dancers and Whole Corps de Ballet to appear, the following Ladies and Gentlemen will exert their well known Abilities:Laborie, Didelot, Mme Laborie, Mme Hilligsberg; End 2nd piece: La Vengeance d'Amour, in which the Pas de Quatre de Panurge-Laborie, Didelot, Mme Laborie, Mme Hilligsberg


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Suett


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard; or, Female Curiosity


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: The Captive of Spilburg

Dance: In afterpiece: a Dance-Roffey, Whitmell, Wells, Male, Garman, W. Banks, Goodman, Gauron, Ms Brooker, Ms Daniels, Ms Brigg, Ms Byrne, Ms Vining, Ms Luciet, Ms Drake, Ms Riches; New Hornpipe-Sga Bossi DelCaro


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Simon Snuffle Actor: Abbot

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Suett

Song: Vocal Parts-Danby, Wentworth, Brown, Tett, Denman, Atkins, [J.] Fisher, Aylmer, Gallot, Peck, Walker, Willoughby, Phillimore, Evans, Fisher, Caulfield Jun., Ms Arne, Ms Roffey, Ms Wentworth, Ms Jackson, Ms Maddocks, Ms Menage, Ms Menage Jun., Ms Chippendale, Ms Gawdry, Ms Butler, Ms Benson, Ms Bowyer, Ms Jacobs, Ms Coates


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: The Captive of Spilburg

Dance: As17981205


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Suett


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Simon Pure Actor: Russell

Afterpiece Title: Feudal Times


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Simon Actor: Suett

Ballet: End: Moggy and Jemmy. Jemmy-Garman; Bauldi-Grimaldi; Lady-Miss Daniels; Maude-Mrs Brooker; Moggy-Sga Bossi DelCaro; Peasants-Goodman, Whitmell, Wells, Bayzand, Johnston, Gauron, Masters J. and W. Chatterley, Ms Brigg, Ms Byrne, Ms Vining, Ms Riches, Ms Luciet, Ms Drake, Ms Connelly