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Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Fairly Actor: Thompson


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Maid of the Mill

Role: Fairfield Actor: Davenport


Mainpiece Title: Management

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Fairly Actor: Thompson


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Role: Fairfield Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: Katharine and Petruchio


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Role: Fairlop Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: The Rendezvous

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Song: End I: The Storm (by G. A. Stevens)-Incledon; In course Evening: an entire new Glee, composed by King, The Witches[, the Words from the First Scene of Shakspeare's Macbeth, -Incledon, Townsend, Linton, Chorus; [Also Black Ey'd Susan-; Old Towler- [Incledon]


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Social Songsters

Afterpiece Title: The Castle of Sorrento


Mainpiece Title: The Deserted Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Social Songsters

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Dance: End II 1st piece: the Duchess of York's New Minuet and Waltz= (The Music composed by Alde [recte Alday], Dance by D'Egville)-Master and Miss D'Egville; In 2nd piece: Dance-Master D'Egville, Miss Packwood, Miss D'Egville

Entertainment: Monologue. End I 1st piece: Appropriate Address written on the Occasion-Mrs Mattocks


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Reviv'd Anacreontics [i

Afterpiece Title: The Castle of Sorrento

Song: End II 1st piece: The Witches, as18000415, but added: Denman, +Street


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Role: Fairlop Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: The Siege of Acre

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Song: End I 1st piece: The Last Shilling (composed by Dibdin)-Incledon; (in the Course of the Evening) Old Towler-Incledon; In Scene I 2nd piece: by Permission of Dibdin, his following popular songs: The Sailor's Journal-Incledon; The Anchor Smiths-Townsend; All Hands to the Anchor-Fawcett; Jacky and the Cow-Munden; The Advantage of Toping-Townsend; A Comic Irish Song-Johnstone


Mainpiece Title: Every One Has His Fault

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Fairly Actor: Thompson


Mainpiece Title: The School For Wives

Afterpiece Title: The Maid of the Mill

Role: Fairfield Actor: Davenport