SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1284, 1419, 1863, 2164, 2290, 2935, 2984, 3023, 3553, 3613, 3793, 3990, 4006, 4058, 4061, 4126, 4138, 4182, 4227, 4233, 4275, 4307, 4326, 4356, 4609, 4628, 4639, 4742, 4855, 4858, 4865, 4902, 4907, 4956, 5097, 5177, 5282, 5746, 5789, 5924, 6188, 6226, 6332, 6548, 6764, 6951, 7016, 7225, 7289, 7395, 7396, 7397, 7399, 7419, 7425, 7496, 7546, 7649, 7948, 8013, 8022, 8040, 8151, 8187, 8212, 8239, 8349, 8374, 8409, 8511, 8560, 8617, 8693, 8696, 8769, 8823, 8837, 8861, 8938, 8949, 9100, 9118, 9172, 9175, 9210, 9289, 9291, 9315, 9378, 9404, 9512, 9532, 9616, 9631, 9716, 9721, 9746, 9795, 9806, 9874, 9895, 9914, 10150, 10241, 10301, 10403, 10468, 10487, 10673, 10751, 10801, 10817, 10833, 10885, 10916, 10954, 10975, 11188, 11209, 11239, 11278, 11315, 11357, 11379, 11433, 11434, 11481, 11716, 11727, 11739, 11758, 11815, 11835, 11854, 11978, 12104, 12186, 12202, 12231, 12329, 12475, 12657, 12675, 12715, 12739, 12745, 12850, 12872, 12972, 12976, 13012, 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21534, 21536, 21537, 21542, 21548, 21551, 21573, 21576, 21579, 21623, 21626, 21635, 21691, 21742, 21771, 21786, 21805, 21855, 21863, 21894, 21956, 21983, 22260, 22269, 22321, 22329, 22489, 22535, 22561, 22635, 22672, 22757, 22960, 22963, 23029, 23032, 23035, 23037, 23040, 23044, 23046, 23053, 23067, 23118, 23120, 23258, 23274, 23283, 23295, 23368, 23372, 23391, 23394, 23396, 23403, 23424, 23432, 23453, 23459, 23462, 23480, 23496, 23499, 23502, 23513, 23515, 23526, 23544, 23564, 23590, 23593, 23597, 23600, 23603, 23611, 23641, 23654, 23655, 23673, 23688, 23748, 23772, 23860, 23865, 23920, 23933, 23995, 24009, 24061, 24087, 24113, 24137, 24208, 24215, 24231, 24330, 24352, 24374, 24390, 24445, 24485, 24502, 24531, 24565, 24633, 24634, 24644, 24704, 24722, 24766, 24785, 24868, 24870, 24878, 24879, 24895, 24899, 24921, 24929, 24985, 25042, 25043, 25054, 25058, 25138, 25203, 25205, 25211, 25231, 25294, 25330, 25331, 25367, 25388, 25417, 25419, 25421, 25423, 25434, 25492, 25495, 25519, 25569, 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Mainpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Maddocks.

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Afterpiece Title: Royal Clemency


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Blunt Actor: Cross

Afterpiece Title: The Farm House


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon


Mainpiece Title: First Love

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Webb


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Belgrade

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Webb


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: The Child Of Nature

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Role: Blunt Actor: Webb

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: St

Entertainment: Monologue. End: Dryden's Ode of Alexander's Feast-Holman

Song: After the monologue: My Mother had a Maid called Barbara, as17960314The Minstrel's Song, Where is that tow'ring spirit fled? as17960314Tho' Hurricanes rattle (composed by Shield)-Incledon, Bowden; Ye Gentlemen of England, as17960314


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 0

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 1

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 2


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Role: Blunt Actor: Richardson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 0

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 1

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Treasure 2


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth [part I]

Role: Sir Walter Blunt Actor: Trueman

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant; Or, George Barnwell

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: The Adopted Child

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961112


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961112


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961116


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961112


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As17961112, but Hornpipe-_


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: Robinson Crusoe; or, Harlequin Friday


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant; Or, George Barnwell

Role: Blunt Actor: Farley

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Oberon


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: Robinson Crusoe

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961221


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: Robinson Crusoe


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Role: Blunt Actor: R. Palmer

Afterpiece Title: A Friend in Need

Ballet: The Scotch Ghost. As17961221

Song: As17970210