SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1338, 1373, 1935, 1998, 2048, 2138, 2217, 2531, 2578, 3083, 3173, 3544, 4099, 4100, 4102, 4103, 4114, 5148, 5149, 5152, 5153, 6096, 6117, 7954, 7991, 9037, 9444, 9555, 9882, 9896, 10020, 10157, 10276, 10359, 10360, 10363, 10370, 10371, 10375, 10383, 10480, 10494, 10593, 10596, 10599, 10750, 10792, 10803, 10858, 10993, 11262, 11328, 11329, 11609, 11698, 11812, 12165, 12187, 12243, 12905, 12908, 13094, 13098, 13448, 13733, 13737, 13741, 13763, 13866, 13920, 14058, 14213, 14299, 14340, 14519, 14877, 14935, 15153, 15329, 15332, 15366, 15503, 15518, 15556, 15642, 15645, 16023, 16027, 16406, 16487, 16694, 16698, 16899, 17195, 17288, 17309, 17567, 17671, 17768, 17771, 17775, 17781, 17784, 17787, 17790, 17837, 17878, 17981, 18021, 18166, 18168, 18226, 18351, 18412, 18475, 18629, 18904, 18938, 18966, 18983, 19005, 19055, 19090, 19163, 19219, 19255, 19347, 19401, 19444, 19446, 19451, 19591, 19608, 19643, 19728, 19843, 19862, 19975, 19983, 20027, 20081, 20135, 20182, 20249, 20316, 20529, 20587, 20589, 20660, 20915, 20981, 21120, 21158, 21209, 21261, 21314, 21339, 21351, 21379, 21455, 21490, 21500, 21591, 21720, 21788, 21789, 21830, 21883, 21955, 22028, 22162, 22216, 22264, 22315, 22325, 22328, 22331, 22355, 22397, 22418, 22496, 22587, 22595, 22733, 22776, 22798, 22853, 22896, 22959, 23066, 23191, 23200, 23225, 23245, 23439, 23529, 23697, 23711, 23735, 23751, 23777, 23794, 23819, 23857, 23934, 23974, 24012, 24058, 24187, 24243, 24338, 24372, 24388, 24426, 24508, 24695, 24732, 24765, 24924, 24926, 24987, 25001, 25026, 25119, 25262, 25281, 25337, 25382, 25458, 25555, 25648, 25669, 25685, 25715, 25752, 25753, 25772, 25831, 25914, 25942, 25953, 25986, 26042, 26079, 26131, 26133, 26165, 26200, 26232, 26252, 26258, 26288, 26297, 26352, 26409, 26578, 26614, 26681, 26695, 26697, 26701, 26707, 26711, 26717, 26733, 26742, 26770, 26798, 26800, 26810, 26812, 26850, 26864, 26869, 26878, 26885, 26898, 26984, 26994, 26998, 27012, 27022, 27030, 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Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: The Maid of the Oaks

Dance: I afterpiece: a Dance-

Song: As17901023


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: The Author

Dance: End II: The Irish Lilt, as17901020


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Francis

Afterpiece Title: The Picture of Paris

Dance: End II: The Wapping Landlady, as17901204

Entertainment: Monologue Preceding: an Occasional Address-Harley


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain.

Afterpiece Title: The Picture of Paris

Dance: As17910127

Entertainment: Monologue As17910127


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Catherine and Petruchio

Song: Probably at end: Black Eyed Susan-Incledon; Wine cannot cure the Pain I endure for my Chloe-Johnstone, Incledon

Music: Between Acts afterpiece: the favourite air of Moggy Lauder (on the Union Pipes)-the celebrated Courtney


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina; or, The Hall of Fingal

Song: II: song-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Blue Beard

Song: As17911020


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Blue Beard


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp

Dance: In II afterpiece: a Minuet-Hamoir, Miss DeCamp. [This was danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: The Miser


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: The Irishman in London; or, The Happy African

Dance: I: a Fair Scene-; Statute Dance-; End: As17920410

Song: In afterpiece: a Planxty, descriptive of Ireland If you travel the wide world all over (Morning Herald, 23 Apr.)-Johnstone in Character


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Mountain

Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques


Mainpiece Title: The Fugitive

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: The Haunted Tower

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp

Dance: As17920613


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Davis

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Song: II: a song-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: At King's Artaxerxes

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss DeCamp.

Dance: In II afterpiece: a Minuet-Hamoir, Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Davis

Afterpiece Title: Hartford Bridge

Dance: As17921116

Song: II: song-Miss Broadhurst


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Miss Broadhurst

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Museum


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Blanchard

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Dance: As17921003