SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (117, 270, 450, 577, 886, 935, 946, 975, 1212, 1237, 1683, 1820, 2018, 2134, 2306, 2461, 2708, 2783, 2881, 3389, 3676, 3802, 3808, 3839, 3953, 4208, 4211, 4214, 4400, 4610, 4754, 4903, 5251, 5253, 5254, 5260, 5275, 5289, 5309, 5356, 5463, 5519, 5644, 5648, 5652, 5702, 5747, 5939, 5985, 6580, 7101, 7259, 7966, 8083, 8208, 8517, 8624, 8663, 8666, 8730, 8740, 8897, 8947, 8948, 9061, 9081, 9122, 9140, 9192, 9228, 9282, 9310, 9402, 9422, 9483, 9542, 9610, 9805, 9951, 9976, 10048, 10103, 10231, 10282, 10314, 10418, 10456, 10604, 10879, 10901, 10997, 11096, 11213, 11241, 11272, 11284, 11387, 11417, 11743, 11755, 11995, 12122, 12183, 12239, 12357, 12518, 12652, 12670, 12676, 12711, 12736, 12854, 13114, 13349, 14088, 14158, 14184, 14313, 14316, 14348, 14478, 14775, 14835, 14902, 14912, 14931, 15173, 15186, 15303, 15465, 15519, 15527, 15569, 15583, 15596, 15613, 15647, 15812, 15816, 15874, 16061, 16327, 16443, 16550, 16694, 16698, 16712, 16730, 16850, 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52532) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Dance: Shaw, Thurmond Jr, Mrs Booth, Mrs Younger, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Sol Actor: Penkethman.



Mainpiece Title: Abra Mule

Role: Solyman Actor: Quin



Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson



Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Song: As17231116

Dance: Drunken Swiss-Nivelon Jr; Running Footman's Dance-Nivelon Sr

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. Mad Taylor-Nivelon Sr; Mad Dancing Master-Glover; Mad Gamester-Pelling; Mad Soldier-Nivelon Jr; Mad Astrologer-Lanyam; Mad Lady-Mrs Rogeir

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon Jr


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Song: As17231116

Dance: As17231127

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. As17231127

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon Jr


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It



Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Dance: Passicale-Shaw, Mrs Booth; Turks' Dance-Thurmond, Mrs Younger; Peasants-Topham, Mrs Bullock; Dutch Skipper-Thurmond, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Dance: French Peasant, Running Footman-Nivelon Sr, Mrs Rogeir; Myrtillo-

Ballet: The Humours of Bedlam. As17231127, but Mad Soldier-Dupre

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Dupre.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Several choiceConcertos-the Youth [J. Clegg][, never perform'd in Publick; [particularly, Concert of Vivaldi's called La Temista di Mare-; Solo-Mr Kitch; Solo Song [out of the Opera of Julius Caesar. Song Part-Mr Kitch; Violin-the Youth; [as done by Sig Castrucci in the Opera, Solo [of Sig Germiniani's-the Youth

Role: Solo Actor: Mr Kitch


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Song: Singing in Italian and English-Mr Gething Jr , who never appear'd upon any Stage before

Dance: The Cheshire Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Bedlam

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Bedlam

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon


Mainpiece Title: The True And Famous History Of Semiramis, Queen Of Babylon: Or, The Woman Wears The Breeches, Containing The Distressful Loves Of The Prince Alexis An Ulamia; The Pleasant Adventures Of Sir Solomon Gundy And His Man Spider; And The Comical Humours Of Alderman Doodle, His Wife, And Daughter Hoyden

Role: Sir Solomon Gundy Actor: Bridgwater

Song: Platt

Dance: Houghton, Mrs Houghton


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Dance: Thurmond, Boval, Lally, Mrs Booth, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly Myrtillo-


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Dance: Roger, Boval, Lally, Duplessis, Haughton, Mrs Booth, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Walter, Miss Lindar, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly Le Badinage Champetre-


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Dance: Sandham's Children; particularly a Punch-the Boy; La Folette, as17250928


Mainpiece Title: Abra Mule; Or, Love And Empire

Role: Solyman Actor: Quin

Song: Leveridge, Legare

Dance: PPeasant-Nivelon, Mrs Legare; French Sailor-Salle, Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson



Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Bedlam

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon

Dance: PPastoral-LeSac, Miss LaTour; Fingalian-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden; Scotish Dance-Mrs Bullock; Shepherd and Shepherdess-Salle, Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: Abra Mule

Role: Solyman Actor: Quin

Dance: I: Chacone-Mrs Anderson; III: Pastoral Dance-Burny, Mrs Anderson; V: Venetian Dance-Burny, Mrs Anderson, both Scholars to Essex

Song: II: Salway; IV: Salway


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Song: As17261001

Dance: Essex; Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Bedlam

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon

Afterpiece Title: Pan and Syrinx

Dance: As17261024


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sir Solomon Actor: Johnson

Afterpiece Title: The Strolers

Music: between the Aetween the Acts: Select Pieces-; End II: The 8th Concerto of Corelli-; IV: The 5th Concerto of Corelli-

Dance: I: A new Spanish Entry-Miss Robinson; III: A new Chacone-Essex, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson, others; V: A new Pastoral-Miss Robinson; End Farce: Pieraites-Roger, Mrs Brett


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Bedlam

Role: Mad Soldier Actor: Nivelon

Song: IV: De mi Cara-Mrs Warren

Dance: I: Two Pierrots-Nivelon, Poitier; II: Dutch Skipper-Pelling, Mrs Ogden; III: French Sailor-Salle, Mlle Salle; V: Two Punches and Harlequin-DuPre, Newhouse, Pelling