SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (531, 1282, 1294, 1425, 1545, 1765, 2047, 2071, 2114, 2191, 3059, 3518, 3862, 3994, 4062, 4099, 4100, 4102, 4103, 4114, 4176, 4204, 4293, 4648, 4666, 4707, 4795, 4823, 4869, 4911, 4925, 4939, 5183, 5186, 5265, 5469, 5623, 5841, 5865, 5922, 6208, 6210, 6919, 6933, 7214, 7257, 7443, 7528, 7941, 7950, 8025, 8026, 8138, 8173, 8334, 8355, 8360, 8362, 8363, 8369, 8387, 8414, 8421, 8485, 8545, 8587, 8614, 8660, 8700, 8756, 8768, 8846, 8859, 8953, 9022, 9037, 9065, 9267, 9333, 9379, 9438, 9533, 9535, 9546, 9587, 9601, 9603, 9640, 9797, 9819, 9826, 9897, 9942, 9944, 9946, 10062, 10065, 10236, 10286, 10325, 10329, 10344, 10398, 10438, 10578, 10615, 10763, 10795, 10859, 10891, 10939, 10984, 11029, 11086, 11166, 11279, 11296, 11449, 11497, 11508, 11808, 11848, 12000, 12314, 12495, 12836, 13051, 13407, 13453, 13459, 13497, 13525, 13578, 13604, 13614, 13728, 13750, 13783, 14077, 14196, 14359, 14531, 14663, 14882, 15090, 15220, 15355, 15361, 15364, 15474, 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Mainpiece Title: The Rival Fools

Role: Lady Gentry Actor: Miss Tenoe.


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Spiller


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-; particularly a Solo-Signor Carbonelli

Dance: Shaw, Denoye, Mrs Bicknell, Mrs Younger, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Spiller.


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Morgan


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Morgan


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Egleton.



Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Egleton.


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond.


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond.


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond.

Dance: As17230103


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman

Dance: As17230103


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond.

Dance: Shaw, Mrs Booth, Mrs Younger


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Morgan



Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Dance: As17231028


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake; Or, The Wife's Resentment

Role: Lady Gentle Actor: Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake

Role: Lady Gentle Actor: Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Dance: As17231028


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Spiller.

Dance: Dupre, Nivelons, Glover, Mrs Rogeir, Mrs Wall, Mrs Ogden; particularly Flag Dance (after a new manner)-Nivelon Sr

Song: Leveridge, Salway, Mrs Chambers


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman

Dance: As17231028


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Spiller.

Dance: Glover, Newhouse, Lanyon, Mrs Rogier, Mrs Wall, Mrs Ogden; particularly Tollet's Ground-Newhouse, Mrs Rogier; Shepherd and Shepherdess-Glover, Mrs Wall; Peasant-Lanyom, Mrs Ogden