SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (996, 1030, 1367, 1914, 1919, 1960, 2007, 2040, 2511, 3083, 3651, 3653, 3757, 3926, 3947, 3963, 4013, 4044, 4123, 4124, 4256, 4262, 4267, 4312, 4350, 4437, 4551, 4564, 4571, 4600, 4605, 4610, 4611, 4615, 4617, 4629, 4750, 4751, 4776, 4827, 4888, 4952, 5113, 5306, 5328, 5408, 5422, 5651, 5873, 6250, 6430, 6525, 6916, 7048, 7087, 7097, 7227, 7310, 7341, 7423, 7469, 7586, 7932, 7989, 8430, 8436, 8455, 8565, 8672, 8732, 8744, 8752, 8782, 8796, 8838, 8940, 8954, 9019, 9174, 9253, 9321, 9372, 9487, 9598, 9702, 9804, 9883, 9947, 9970, 10072, 10137, 10294, 10393, 10493, 10658, 10826, 10883, 10967, 11283, 11289, 11391, 11607, 11703, 11740, 11816, 11945, 12063, 12207, 12311, 12580, 12608, 12735, 12754, 12837, 12885, 12898, 12934, 12986, 13027, 13123, 13185, 13315, 13341, 13384, 13410, 13431, 13596, 13734, 13802, 13966, 14024, 14121, 14129, 14152, 14270, 14428, 14615, 14618, 14625, 14628, 14773, 14839, 14927, 15043, 15092, 15097, 15103, 15106, 15111, 15144, 15176, 15180, 15335, 15455, 15504, 15507, 15577, 15616, 15633, 15643, 15649, 15728, 15730, 15777, 15811, 15843, 15937, 16112, 16121, 16463, 16559, 16619, 16654, 16827, 16857, 16929, 16932, 16936, 16940, 16982, 17014, 17025, 17109, 17143, 17301, 17393, 17404, 17469, 17521, 17559, 17611, 17762, 17794, 17862, 17867, 17875, 17939, 18011, 18026, 18040, 18042, 18124, 18197, 18205, 18208, 18212, 18216, 18220, 18229, 18240, 18337, 18488, 18578, 18641, 18790, 18858, 18918, 18920, 18992, 19122, 19153, 19195, 19253, 19289, 19325, 19386, 19394, 19486, 19500, 19540, 19580, 19602, 19623, 19628, 19638, 19642, 19717, 19742, 19763, 19860, 19892, 19944, 19984, 20025, 20030, 20077, 20095, 20128, 20143, 20195, 20259, 20267, 20314, 20399, 20401, 20518, 20530, 20534, 20544, 20551, 20560, 20566, 20569, 20572, 20585, 20646, 20695, 20709, 20719, 20745, 20786, 20792, 20820, 20948, 20966, 21096, 21162, 21168, 21192, 21234, 21243, 21277, 21318, 21341, 21374, 21407, 21469, 21482, 21531, 21644, 21745, 21757, 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52397, 52512) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis.

Afterpiece Title: The Country Revels

Dance: CChacone-Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis.

Afterpiece Title: The Country Revels


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Norris.

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Mullart.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay



Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Ballet: DDifference of Nations. As17330312


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Ballet: DDifference of Nations. As17330312


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: DDrunken Peasant-LeBrun; The Flight-Essex, Miss Robinson; Les Bergeries-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: DDutch Skipper-Mynheer Vanfleet, the first time of his appearing on any stage; Friendly Lasses-Miss Wherrit, Miss Sandham


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: I: Scotch Dance-Young Weeks, Scholar to Dupre; III: Masquerade Dance-; IV: Shepherd's Dance-Young Weeks

Song: a G Gentleman for his Diversion; A song, called Goodman's Fields Theatre address'd to the Merchants of the City of London-Excell , written by the Author of Bacchus one day gaily striding


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Mullart.

Afterpiece Title: The Imaginary Cuckolds

Dance: I: Drunken Peasant-LeBrun; II: Dutchwoman-Miss Robinson; III: Harlequin-Miss Brett; IV: English Maggot-Haughton, Mrs Walter; V: The Flight-Essex, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis

Afterpiece Title: Venus, Cupid, and Hymen

Music: Between the Acts: Trumpets, Kettle Drums, French Horns-; With a new Overture (to the Masque) for two Vox Humanes- , a new invented Instrument

Song: II: Mrs Seedo, who never appeared on the stage before; III: (At the particular Request of Seedo's Friends) Signora Margherita (who has not performed on any theatre these 14 years)

Dance: I: Drunken Peasant-LeBrun; IV: The Watteau-Miss Robinson; End Afterpiece: Les Bergeries-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: Jeptha's Rash Vow; Or, The Virgin Sacrifi'd; With The Comical Humours Of Captain Bluster And His Man Diddimo

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Morgan

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Morgan

Afterpiece Title: The Comical Humours of Sir John Falstaff, Justice Shallow, Ancient Pistol, and Others

Afterpiece Title: The Ridotto Al' Fresco

Dance: End I Second Piece: Black Joke-Smith, Miss Brett; II: Comic Dance-Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse; Or, Virtue In Danger

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Music: Second Musick: First Concerto of Corelli. Third Musick: A Trumpet Overture. I: Concerto for French Horns, the French Horns by Charle and Giay, lately arriv'd from Paris. III: Solo for French Horn by Charle

Dance: Les Bergeries by Essex, Miss Robinson (the first Characters); F. Tench, Holt, Miss Mann, Miss Brett

Song: II: Lempio Rigor del Fato and Was Ever Nymph Like Rosamond by Miss Arne. IV: Rise Glory Rise, by Miss Arne, accompanied by French Horns


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: In Mainpiece: The Sailors Dance. A new dance, The Amorous Couple, by D'Vallois and Mrs D'Vallois. Tambourine by Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Opera of Operas

Dance: As17331031


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Music: Second Musick: 6th Concerto of the 1st Opera of Geminiani. Third Musick: Overture for Admetus by Handel. II: Se met turbo, a Song in Porus, on the Flute Traverse. IV: Concerto for Two Hautboys composed by Dr Pepusch

Dance: I: La Bagatelle by Essex and Miss Latour. III: Les Bergeries by Essex, Miss Robinson, F. Tench, Holt, Miss Mann, Miss Brett. In V: Mock Minuet, as17331027


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: Tambourine by Miss Wherrit. English Peasant by D'Vallois. Scotch Dance by Mrs Bullock. Friendly losses by Miss Wherrit and Miss Sandham


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Shireburn

Music: Second Musick: the 8th Concerto of Corelli, commonly called The Natalia. Third Musick: Overture of Alexander, composed by Handel. III: The Cuckoo, composed by Vivaldi

Dance: II: Les Amants Constants, as17340123 In V: Grand Dance in Momus, as17331231

Song: I: Lusingue pui care by Miss Arne. IV: Sentir si Dire by Miss Arne


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: Scot's Dance by Miss Wherrit. Dutch Skipper by Vallois and Mrs Bullock. enterta1nment. V: By particular Desire, a Burlesque Tragic Scene, called Sextus Sj'intilius, by Penkethman and Lyon


Mainpiece Title: 7 Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis

Dance: By Nivelon, Essex, Pelling, Davenport, Mrs Pelling, Mrs Walter, Miss Mann, particularly The Black and White Joke and Revellers


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Martin

Afterpiece Title: See If You Like It

Dance: Richmond Maggot by Le Sac and Miss Rogers. Scots Dance, as17340920


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis

Afterpiece Title: The Burgomaster Trick'd

Dance: As17341028


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Chymical Counterfeits

Dance: As17341212 Ill: Hornpipe by Taylor


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Willis

Afterpiece Title: Colombine Courtezan

Dance: Grand Polish Ballet by Essex and Mrs Walter. Black Joak by Nivelon and Miss Mann. Grand Comic Ballet: French Peasants by Poitier and Mlle Roland