SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (996, 1030, 1367, 1914, 1919, 1960, 2007, 2040, 2511, 3083, 3651, 3653, 3757, 3926, 3947, 3963, 4013, 4044, 4123, 4124, 4256, 4262, 4267, 4312, 4350, 4437, 4551, 4564, 4571, 4600, 4605, 4610, 4611, 4615, 4617, 4629, 4750, 4751, 4776, 4827, 4888, 4952, 5113, 5306, 5328, 5408, 5422, 5651, 5873, 6250, 6430, 6525, 6916, 7048, 7087, 7097, 7227, 7310, 7341, 7423, 7469, 7586, 7932, 7989, 8430, 8436, 8455, 8565, 8672, 8732, 8744, 8752, 8782, 8796, 8838, 8940, 8954, 9019, 9174, 9253, 9321, 9372, 9487, 9598, 9702, 9804, 9883, 9947, 9970, 10072, 10137, 10294, 10393, 10493, 10658, 10826, 10883, 10967, 11283, 11289, 11391, 11607, 11703, 11740, 11816, 11945, 12063, 12207, 12311, 12580, 12608, 12735, 12754, 12837, 12885, 12898, 12934, 12986, 13027, 13123, 13185, 13315, 13341, 13384, 13410, 13431, 13596, 13734, 13802, 13966, 14024, 14121, 14129, 14152, 14270, 14428, 14615, 14618, 14625, 14628, 14773, 14839, 14927, 15043, 15092, 15097, 15103, 15106, 15111, 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52397, 52512) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Role: Nurse Actor: Miss Tidswell

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Davenport

Afterpiece Title: The Paradox

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels

Song: In the course of the Evening: As17990430; End IV 1st piece: The Funeral Procession of Juliet, Dirge-; Vocal Parts, as17981008, but Hill, _Gray, Miss +Waters, Mrs +Atkins, Miss _Leserve, Miss _Gray


Mainpiece Title: Life's Vagaries

Afterpiece Title: Saturday Night at Sea; or, Tars at Anchor

Afterpiece Title: The Norwood Gipsies

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Lloyd

Song: End II 1st piece: Admiral Benbow-Incledon; End 1st piece: The Group of Lovers-Munden


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot

Afterpiece Title: The Prize

Music: End: a new Grand Concerto on the violin (his composition)-Spagnoletti (1st appearance in public since his arrival from Italy)

Ballet: End II: a new Comic Ballet, The Happy Stratagem; or, The Deluded Mother. Jack-Bartolomici (1st public appearance); Fanny , Younger Sister-Sga Bossi DelCaro; Margaret , Elder Sister-Mlle Parisot; Susanna , their Mother-Mrs Brooker


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Davenport

Afterpiece Title: The Naval Pillar

Dance: In afterpiece: New Dance (composed by Bologna Jun.)-Bologna Jun., King, Mrs Watts, Mrs Parker (1st appearance these 2 years)

Song: The Songs written or selected for the afterpiece: Black Ey'd Susan-Incledon; When Britain first her Flag uprear'd-Incledon, Johnstone, Linton; An hungry Fox one day did spy (Old Welsh tune)-Munden; When Peace smiles around-Mrs Martyr; Sir Sydney Smith-Fawcett; When a Tar returns home-Fawcett, Munden, Mrs Martyr; Mr Speaker tho' 'tis late--Incledon, Johnstone, Townsend, Linton; A Bundle of Proverbs-Munden; In praise of the Pars who have leathered the World-Johnstone; +The Navy and Army of Britain forever-Townsend; The Embarkation-Incledon; Glee and Chorus [We come, ye guardians of our isle]-Mrs Martyr, Miss Sims, Miss Wheatley, Mrs Sydney; Recitative and Finale [Britons, your country's gratitude behold]-Mrs Chapman, Incledon, Johnstone, Townsend, Linton

Opera: End IV: Solemn Dirge. The Funeral Procession of Juliet-; Vocal Parts-Incledon, Johnstone, Townsend, Hill, Linton, Gardner, Denman, Blurton, King, Street, Lee, Little, Thomas, Sawyer, Tett, Dyke, Whitmore, Ms Waters, Ms Chapman, Ms Atkins, Ms Litchfield, Ms Mills, Ms Dibdin, Ms Wheatley, Ms Iliff, Ms Sims, Ms Whitmore, Ms Follett, Ms Watts, Ms Castelle, Ms Norton, Ms Gilbert, Ms Leserve, Ms Lloyd, Ms Masters, Ms Blurton, Ms Sydney, Ms Burnett, Ms Martyr


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Davenport

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate

Opera: Mainpiece: Solemn Dirge. As17991007, but Vocal Parts-_Dyke


Mainpiece Title: Isabella; Or, The Fatal Marriage

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot.

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Song: In III: Epithalamium Vocal Parts-Mrs Bland, Miss Leak


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Davenport

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: In afterpiece: Ballet-Blurton, Mrs Watts

Opera: Mainpiece: Solemn Dirge. As17991118


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot.

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Song: As17991122


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Walcot

Afterpiece Title: Lodoiska


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Role: Nurse Actor: Miss Tidswell

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As18000612