SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1533, 1567, 1618, 4078, 7009, 7012, 8694, 9213, 9272, 10313, 11124, 11126, 11129, 11131, 11134, 11136, 11138, 11140, 11143, 11145, 11148, 11151, 11154, 11157, 11163, 11168, 11174, 11179, 11185, 11190, 11197, 11203, 11212, 11216, 11219, 11223, 11226, 13556, 13559, 13606, 13608, 13610, 13625, 13658, 13843, 13864, 13929, 14214, 14306, 14333, 14835, 15726, 16221, 16327, 19050, 19052, 19055, 19057, 19676, 21411, 21548, 21553, 21625, 21631, 21676, 21822, 21914, 21947, 21991, 22059, 22199, 22252, 22254, 22797, 22909, 22912, 22915, 22918, 22945, 23353, 23356, 23373, 23382, 23387, 23445, 23466, 23495, 23498, 23531, 23593, 23641, 23710, 23814, 23895, 23901, 23919, 24052, 24205, 24207, 24916, 25003, 25151, 25393, 25395, 25411, 25500, 25520, 25541, 26810, 27652, 27729, 27753, 27796, 27807, 27832, 28059, 28097, 28202, 28222, 28313, 28316, 28325, 28432, 28516, 28519, 28535, 28668, 28670, 28672, 28682, 28722, 28743, 28764, 28785, 28832, 28838, 28888, 28989, 29332, 29419, 29778, 29780, 29782, 29784, 29786, 29788, 29790, 29792, 29794, 29799, 29801, 29804, 29808, 29810, 29817, 29828, 29840, 29844, 29848, 29870, 29883, 30423, 30447, 30458, 30533, 30612, 31333, 31683, 31684, 31737, 32195, 32254, 32317, 32337, 32374, 32473, 32475, 32477, 32479, 32481, 32486, 32488, 32493, 32495, 32500, 32507, 32509, 32514, 32516, 32539, 32554, 32556, 32558, 32563, 32568, 32575, 32580, 32593, 32619, 32648, 32656, 32658, 33111, 33179, 33221, 33222, 33244, 33256, 33257, 33302, 33306, 33315, 33317, 33322, 33325, 33327, 33330, 33332, 33339, 33341, 33344, 33383, 33397, 33400, 33402, 33428, 33430, 33435, 33439, 33481, 33483, 33506, 33508, 33515, 33520, 33536, 33654, 33794, 33796, 33804, 33896, 33995, 33997, 33999, 34001, 34004, 34006, 34009, 34011, 34013, 34015, 34018, 34025, 34029, 34034, 34068, 34089, 34181, 34198, 34199, 34230, 34253, 34259, 34267, 34376, 34407, 34413, 34427, 34429, 34431, 34432, 34433, 34435, 34436, 34437, 34440, 34441, 34442, 34445, 34449, 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40572, 40577, 40597, 40787, 40789, 40795, 40797, 40801, 40804, 40807, 40809, 40825, 40828, 40833, 40839, 40882, 40915, 40946, 40974, 40985, 40987, 40997, 41002, 41128, 41136, 41189, 41246, 41256, 41286, 41300, 41668, 42232, 42235, 42237, 42238, 42240, 42268, 42753, 42758, 42764, 42767, 42770, 42774, 42778, 42782, 42790, 42805, 42825, 42827, 42830, 42831, 42837, 42843, 42939, 42949, 42973, 42981, 43007, 43088, 43243, 43273, 43309, 43860, 44345, 44392, 44407, 44701, 44840, 45037, 45118, 45150, 45154, 45282, 45284, 45286, 45288, 45290, 45294, 45296, 45299, 45304, 45306, 45309, 45311, 45313, 45318, 45320, 45323, 45327, 45329, 45334, 45341, 45343, 45361, 45371, 45383, 45389, 45409, 45420, 45435, 45437, 45439, 45455, 45486, 45497, 45655, 45656, 45657, 45658, 45660, 45674, 45677, 45693, 45716, 45762, 45768, 45826, 45830, 45839, 45847, 45871, 45887, 45922, 45957, 45977, 45990, 45991, 45993, 45997, 46002, 46005, 46007, 46011, 46018, 46024, 46031, 46039, 46040, 46055, 46057, 46072, 46094, 46132, 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Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Cook Actor: Mr Simmons.

Afterpiece Title: The Honest Thieves

Dance: As17971115


Mainpiece Title: The Haunted Tower

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: The Countess Of Salisbury

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin and Quixotte


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: The Round Tower


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Mimick


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise


Mainpiece Title: Secrets Worth Knowing

Role: Cook Actor: Thompson

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: The Stranger

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Wandering Jew

Role: Cook Actor: Hollingsworth