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Mainpiece Title: The Parson's Wedding

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Marshall


Mainpiece Title: Secret Love; Or, The Maiden Queen

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Reeves.


Mainpiece Title: The Citizen Turned Gentleman

Role: Epilogue Actor: . See also below.


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Jealousie

Role: Epilogue Actor: Harris.


Mainpiece Title: The Assignation; Or, Love In A Nunnery

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Ramble; Or, The Town-humours

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Epsom Wells

Role: Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Dutch Lover

Role: Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Rogue

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Kneppe.


Mainpiece Title: The Careless Lovers

Role: Epilogue by Mr Settle Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Ordinary

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Amboyna

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Empress Of Morocco

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Old Woman; Or, 'tis Well If It Take

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Bush


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island

Role: Epilogue Actor:
Role: Second Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Tragedy Of Nero, Emperour Of Rome

Role: The Epilogue Actor: Harris.


Mainpiece Title: The Triumphant Widow; Or, The Medley Of Humours

Role: Epilogue Actor: Lady Haughty.


Mainpiece Title: Calisto; Or, The Chaste Nimph

Role: The Epilogue Actor: Jupiter.

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers


Mainpiece Title: Psyche

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Woman Turned Bully

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Mock Duellist; Or, The French Vallet

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Love In The Dark; Or, The Man Of Bus'ness

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mr Haines.


Mainpiece Title: The Conquest Of China By The Tartars

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Lee