SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (359, 365, 876, 992, 1338, 1402, 1877, 2983, 3601, 3755, 3837, 4014, 4216, 4241, 5841, 7865, 7893, 7936, 8015, 8066, 8099, 8135, 8263, 8372, 8505, 8625, 12342, 12345, 13083, 13087, 13119, 13202, 13421, 13515, 13553, 13592, 13702, 13719, 13817, 13860, 13904, 13926, 13933, 13951, 13955, 13974, 14003, 14041, 14060, 14076, 14080, 14173, 14718, 14726, 14841, 15085, 15163, 15448, 15561, 15651, 15760, 15887, 15968, 16034, 16074, 16080, 16084, 16215, 16458, 16571, 16658, 16809, 17045, 17075, 17221, 17410, 17422, 17456, 17498, 17586, 17587, 17703, 17770, 17874, 17895, 17983, 18049, 18874, 18996, 19156, 19224, 19261, 19272, 19360, 19434, 19468, 19550, 19605, 19641, 19756, 19770, 19871, 20043, 20099, 20127, 20185, 20270, 20294, 20507, 20558, 20618, 20665, 20722, 20775, 20852, 20967, 21041, 21107, 21165, 21266, 21311, 21334, 21419, 21817, 21854, 21899, 21961, 21962, 21978, 22075, 22121, 22153, 22164, 22169, 22290, 22291, 22292, 22348, 22383, 22461, 22517, 22577, 22790, 22842, 22860, 22949, 22953, 23016, 23292, 23318, 23350, 23379, 23423, 23486, 23491, 23634, 23804, 23836, 23896, 23915, 23952, 23954, 23956, 23958, 23962, 23965, 23984, 24011, 24049, 24082, 24104, 24118, 24119, 24194, 24295, 24325, 24349, 24471, 24517, 24567, 24685, 24686, 24689, 24874, 24881, 24923, 24968, 25025, 25057, 25139, 25197, 25259, 25335, 25386, 25447, 25468, 25663, 25667, 25710, 25734, 25780, 26085, 26095, 26116, 26217, 26263, 26285, 26335, 26549, 26589, 26687, 26712, 26862, 26956, 27035, 27200, 27215, 27231, 27532, 27580, 27736, 27966, 28025, 28041, 28102, 28111, 28390, 28450, 28525, 28628, 28645, 28680, 28742, 28840, 28911, 28962, 29015, 29063, 29070, 29206, 29328, 29422, 29461, 29508, 29528, 30034, 30294, 30353, 30379, 30404, 30549, 30599, 30632, 30633, 30636, 30646, 30658, 30701, 30789, 30793, 30837, 30840, 30914, 30922, 30980, 31019, 31028, 31133, 31189, 31231, 31240, 31338, 31342, 31352, 31387, 31407, 31477, 31667, 31696, 31718, 31731, 31759, 32165, 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Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam

Dance: Davenport, Miss Jones

Song: In third piece: a Humorous New Song, written by Jones, in the Character of a Welsh Taylor-Jones


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman

Dance: III: Highlander and his Mistress-Salle, Mrs Laguerre; V: Grand Dance of Momus-Nivelon, Mrs Laguerre, Salle, Dupre, Glover, Pelling, Newhouse, Mrs Pelling, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour

Dance: II: A Dialogue of Ballad@Tunes-Leveridge, Mrs Wright; IV: Chancon a Boire-Leveridge, Laguerre; Black@Ey'd Susan, in the Character of a Sailor,-Laguerre (by Desire)


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: TTwo Pierrots-Burney, Mrs Tollett


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Dance: new Scotch Dance-Burney, Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Dance: SScot's Dance-Mrs Bullock; Sailor's Dance-Jones


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Dance: SScots Dance-Mrs Bullock; Tambourine-Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Afterpiece Title: The Amorous Sportsman

Ballet: TThe Difference of Nations. Pierrot-de Vallois, Delagarde; French Peasant-Vallois and Mlle Vallois; Scotch Dance-Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: HHornpipe-a Sailor who never appeared on any stage before; The Difference of Nations-

Song: Excell


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: R. Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: Pierrot and Pierraite by D'Vallois and J. De la Garde. Chacone by Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Neale

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: The Tavern Bilkers


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Neale

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: A Single Dance by Mlle Salle. French Sailor and his Lass by Maker and Mlle Salle


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Role: Trick Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Role: Trick Actor: Hallam

Dance: Scotch Danc e by Mr and Mrs Davenport


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Role: Trick Actor: Hallam

Dance: As17340116


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Neale


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Neale

Music: I: Lesson on the Harpsichord by Miss Baston. V: The celebrated Water-Musick compos'd by Handel and accompany'd with French Horns, in which a Preamble on the Kettle Drums will be beat by Ben. Baker

Dance: II: Tambourine, as17340504. III: Peasant by Maker. IV: Saraband by Miss Baston. V: Swedish Dal Karl by Delagarde and Mrs Ogden

Song: In the role of the Gravedigger will be introduc'd some additional Songs in the Ballad Stile by Leveridge. III: By Leveridge and Mrs Wright


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman



Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: By Glover, Le Sac, De la Garde, Duke, Miss Rogers, Miss Baston, Miss Norsa, Mrs Ogden, particularly Glover's Nassau, Miss Rogers' Tambourine, Le Sac's Richmond Maggot


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman

Dance: La Coquette Francois (new) by Mlle Salle, Lally, S. Lally. The Medley (new) by Lally Jr, Delagarde, Miss Baston


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: Jupiter and Io


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Cibber

Dance: Russian Sailor by Denoyer. Revellers by Essex, Mrs Walter, &c. Amorous Swain and Rival Nymphs by Lalauze, Mrs Walter, Miss Mann


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Wetherilt

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: III: La Follette c'est Ravize by Tench and Mrs Woodward. V: Scotch Dance by Mrs Bullock

Song: II: A Song with French Horns by Miss Jones. IV: In Italian by Mrs Chambers