SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (234, 1022, 1124, 1581, 1878, 2034, 2114, 2475, 2526, 2578, 2727, 3021, 3779, 3780, 3783, 3795, 3924, 3959, 4027, 4028, 4036, 4086, 4198, 4206, 4207, 4294, 4297, 4304, 4344, 4561, 4645, 4650, 4686, 4744, 4787, 4802, 4805, 4869, 4874, 4886, 4957, 4995, 5166, 5175, 5233, 5243, 5274, 5285, 5358, 5370, 5442, 5635, 5653, 5656, 5680, 5785, 5857, 5860, 5862, 6003, 6037, 6098, 6118, 6156, 6222, 6310, 6385, 6518, 6519, 6528, 6554, 6729, 6759, 6803, 6855, 6887, 6893, 6937, 7024, 7031, 7044, 7096, 7160, 7164, 7203, 7209, 7301, 7327, 7349, 7364, 7445, 7448, 7481, 7485, 7490, 7565, 7616, 7643, 7766, 7770, 7804, 7820, 7822, 7873, 7971, 7979, 8030, 8032, 8060, 8182, 8193, 8234, 8270, 8282, 8317, 8318, 8323, 8324, 8382, 8389, 8450, 8452, 8547, 8642, 8685, 8709, 8737, 8751, 8806, 8855, 8865, 8876, 8932, 8968, 8987, 9049, 9055, 9059, 9062, 9071, 9104, 9189, 9215, 9256, 9265, 9274, 9303, 9308, 9309, 9373, 9397, 9445, 9505, 9517, 9531, 9554, 9707, 9752, 9759, 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Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Steward's Wife Actor: Miss Tenoe.

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: A Woman's Revenge

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The Female Fortune Teller

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Steward's Wife Actor: Miss Tenoe.

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield

Music: Select Pieces-

Dance: Thurmond, Mrs Booth, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; particularly The Hussars-


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Younger.


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Steward's Wife Actor: Miss Tenoe.

Dance: Thurmond, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Brett, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber

Music: Between Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: pastoral-Bpastoral=-Boval, Mrs Brett; Muzette-Rainton, Miss Robinson; Turkish Dance-Thurmond, Boval, Lally, others


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Hippisley

Dance: TTwo Pierrots-Nivelon, Salle; French Peasant-Nivelon, Mrs Legare

Song: SSee From the Silent Groves by Dr Pepusch-Mrs Chambers; The Play of Love made and sung-Leveridge


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Hippisley

Dance: SSaraband-Lally, Mrs Wall; Spanish Entry-Young LeSac, Miss LaTour; Burgomaster and Wife-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: Love's Contrivance

Role: Martin's Wife Actor: Mrs Morgan

Song: TThe Play of Love-Salway

Dance: CChacone-Mrs Anderson; Swedish Darl Carl-Pelling, Mrs Ogden; Miller's Dance-Newhouse, Morgan, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: Love's Contrivance

Role: Martin's Wife Actor: Mrs Morgan

Dance: CChacone-Mrs Anderson; Swedish Darl Carl-Pelling, Mrs Ogden; Spinning Wheel Dance-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber

Music: Between Acts: Select Pieces-



Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer; or, Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Legar.


Mainpiece Title: Sir Courtly Nice; Or, It Cannot Be

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Wife Actor: Hallam, Mrs Wetherilt

Song: Singing in Italian-Mrs Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Quin
Role: Country Wife Actor: Mrs Younger

Dance: FFrench Peasant-Nivelon, Mrs Laguerre; French Sailor-Salle, Mlle Salle; Pastoral Dance-Glover, Dupre Jr, Lanyon, Mrs Ogden, Mrs Anderson


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Wife Actor: Hallam, Mrs Wetherilt

Song: As17261001


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Wife Actor: Hallam, Mrs Wetherilt


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Legar.


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Legar.


Mainpiece Title: The Silent Woman

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Role: Wife Actor: Hallam, Mrs Wetherilt