SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (2371, 3799, 3921, 4055, 4120, 4259, 4290, 4362, 4432, 4503, 4568, 4626, 4809, 4892, 4963, 5099, 5171, 5331, 5735, 5824, 5972, 6086, 6212, 6411, 6520, 6605, 6744, 6783, 6790, 6961, 7074, 7153, 7230, 7372, 7456, 7884, 7905, 7922, 8018, 8115, 8257, 8340, 8352, 8371, 8425, 8476, 8721, 8755, 8794, 8854, 8894, 9080, 9136, 9243, 9322, 9382, 9403, 9419, 9779, 9911, 10242, 10330, 10974, 11269, 11429, 11769, 12151, 12509, 12916, 12942, 12951, 12954, 13002, 13091, 13233, 13312, 13381, 13400, 13579, 13655, 13689, 13697, 13853, 13874, 13995, 14125, 14197, 14201, 14490, 14549, 14660, 14679, 14683, 14856, 14873, 15072, 15115, 15230, 15242, 15247, 15313, 15451, 15457, 15611, 15698, 15701, 15710, 15775, 15916, 15964, 16021, 16093, 16172, 16429, 16574, 16680, 16725, 16740, 16800, 16834, 16862, 16902, 16977, 17052, 17116, 17213, 17220, 17271, 17279, 17398, 17449, 17542, 17798, 17896, 18104, 18257, 18357, 18567, 18826, 18839, 18878, 18930, 18956, 19110, 19194, 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Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: The Honest Yorkshireman

Dance: I: Tambourine-Mlle Roland; II: Two Pierots-Lalauze, Desse; III: By particular Desire, a Ball Dance, concluding with a Minuet-Lally, Mlle Roland; IV: Comic Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; V: Glover, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: I: Pierots-Lalauze, Desse; III: Ballet-Desse, Miss Oates; V: Comic Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; End Afterpiece: Glover's Grecian Sailors-

Song: II: War he sung was Toil and Trouble-Roberts; IV: In Praise of the Roast Beef of Old England-Leveridge


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgomaster Trick'd


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Scotch Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; III: Pierots-Pelling, Liviez; IV: A new ballet-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton

Song: I: As17391024

Dance: III: The last new Ballet-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; V: Grand Ballet-Mlle Roland the Elder

Song: IV: The Genius of England-Salway


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda

Ballet: GGrand Dance in Momus. As17400110


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: The Tanner of York

Dance: I: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; III: Je ne scay quoy-Villeneuve, Richardson, Miss Oates; V: Grand Ballet-Glover, Mlle Roland

Music: End Afterpiece: Solo on Harp-Parry

Song: II: Roberts; IV: Roberts


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton

Afterpiece Title: The Country House

Afterpiece Title: The Parting Lovers

Dance: SSwiss Dance-the French Boy and Girl; Grand Ballet-Glover, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton.

Afterpiece Title: The Tanner of York

Dance: PPeasants, Miller and Wife-Mechel, Mlle Mechel; Serious Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steel.

Afterpiece Title: The Chymical Counterfeits

Dance: III: A new dance-Master Matthews; IV: Comic Dance-Davenport


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts.

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Dance: As17401201


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steel.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: The Gentlewoman who performed Polly [probably Miss Medina]

Dance: HHornpipe-Yates


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton.

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Dance: TTyrolean-Desnoyer, Haughton, Signora Barberini; The Swiss-Mechell, Mlle Mechell


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton.

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Song: In I: Une Chanson apres la Maniere Francoise-Mons Salway; IV: The Cries of London-Salway

Dance: III: Les Matelots-Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: I: La Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; III: Muilment, Desse, Mrs Walter; IV: Comic Dance-Leviez, Mrs Walter; V: Grand Ballet-Desse

Song: II: Blow Blow-Lowe


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Horton.

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Roberts.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Song: I: Happy Pair, as17411015; III: Non Ch' Amarmi, as17411015

Dance: II: Ballet-Desse; IV: Sailor's Dance, as17411015


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steele

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steele

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment; with Triumphs of Love


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steele

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment; with Triumphs of Love


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Role: Louisa Actor: Mrs Steele

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment; with Triumphs of Love