SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (7313, 7338, 7763, 7765, 7767, 7778, 11003, 11005, 11007, 12676, 15597, 18174, 18503, 18515, 18519, 18673, 18686, 18723, 18901, 18903, 18932, 18948, 18977, 18979, 18982, 19064, 19067, 19069, 19072, 19074, 19079, 19092, 19100, 19102, 19105, 19164, 19690, 19692, 19694, 19696, 19698, 19700, 19702, 19704, 19706, 19708, 19720, 19726, 19740, 19750, 19758, 19762, 19767, 19771, 19785, 19809, 19816, 19833, 19846, 19866, 19875, 19889, 19900, 19906, 19908, 19921, 19924, 19936, 19950, 19962, 19977, 20042, 20531, 20860, 20864, 20867, 20872, 20875, 20895, 20951, 20956, 20961, 20974, 21005, 21025, 21037, 21042, 21052, 21070, 21072, 21080, 21087, 21104, 21110, 21127, 21151, 21169, 21178, 21185, 21243, 21251, 21258, 21294, 21321, 21359, 21360, 21361, 21378, 21395, 21398, 21418, 21476, 21498, 21532, 21546, 21567, 21598, 21609, 21610, 21667, 21671, 21680, 21729, 21733, 21744, 21801, 21811, 21940, 21989, 22072, 22119, 22122, 22123, 22191, 22232, 22263, 22320, 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Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Vocal Parts Actor: Raftor, Ray.

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Dance: I: La Florana, as17430408 III: Sicilian Peasants, as17430310


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Vocal Parts Actor: Beard, Lowe, Raftor, Ray

Song: I: Beard; III: Lowe; IV: Miss Edwards

Dance: II: Serious Dance, as17430504; V: Tyrolean Dance, as17421129


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor:

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Dance: Cooke


Mainpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: Mrs _Clive.

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: The Vocal Parts Actor: Mrs _Clive.

Afterpiece Title: Flora; or, Hob in the Well

Dance: GGrand Ballet, as17440423


Mainpiece Title: Orpheus Seeking After Eurydice


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Dance: LLe Gondalier, as17441010; Scotch Dance-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde


Mainpiece Title: A Concert

Role: Vocal Parts Actor: the Misses Scott


Afterpiece Title: Pyramus and Thisbe


Mainpiece Title: A Concert Of Musick


Mainpiece Title: A Concert


Mainpiece Title: Joseph


Afterpiece Title: Pyramus and Thisbe

Dance: MMinuet-Destrade, Mrs Duval


Dance: Cooke, LaLauze, Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde, Sga Campioni


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man; Or, The Fop's Fortune

Afterpiece Title: Pyramus and Thisbe


Mainpiece Title: A Concert


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth