SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (234, 1022, 1124, 1581, 1878, 2034, 2114, 2475, 2526, 2578, 2727, 3021, 3779, 3780, 3783, 3795, 3924, 3959, 4027, 4028, 4036, 4086, 4198, 4206, 4207, 4294, 4297, 4304, 4344, 4561, 4645, 4650, 4686, 4744, 4787, 4802, 4805, 4869, 4874, 4886, 4957, 4995, 5166, 5175, 5233, 5243, 5274, 5285, 5358, 5370, 5442, 5635, 5653, 5656, 5680, 5785, 5857, 5860, 5862, 6003, 6037, 6098, 6118, 6156, 6222, 6310, 6385, 6518, 6519, 6528, 6554, 6729, 6759, 6803, 6855, 6887, 6893, 6937, 7024, 7031, 7044, 7096, 7160, 7164, 7203, 7209, 7301, 7327, 7349, 7364, 7445, 7448, 7481, 7485, 7490, 7565, 7616, 7643, 7766, 7770, 7804, 7820, 7822, 7873, 7971, 7979, 8030, 8032, 8060, 8182, 8193, 8234, 8270, 8282, 8317, 8318, 8323, 8324, 8382, 8389, 8450, 8452, 8547, 8642, 8685, 8709, 8737, 8751, 8806, 8855, 8865, 8876, 8932, 8968, 8987, 9049, 9055, 9059, 9062, 9071, 9104, 9189, 9215, 9256, 9265, 9274, 9303, 9308, 9309, 9373, 9397, 9445, 9505, 9517, 9531, 9554, 9707, 9752, 9759, 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Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield

Music: A particular Entertainment-Signior Gironimo

Dance: Shaw, Desnoyer, Boval, Mrs Booth, Mrs Bicknell, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber

Dance: Thurmond, Boval, Lally, Mrs Younger, Mrs Bullock, Miss Tenoe, Miss Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Artful Husband

Role: Winwife Actor: Quin
Role: Mrs Winwife Actor: Mrs Seymour

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Doctor

Dance: A Spanish Scaramouch-


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Booth
Role: Mrs Pinchwife Actor: Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield



Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber



Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Booth
Role: Country Wife Actor: Mrs Bicknell.



Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Booth
Role: Country Wife Actor: Mrs Bicknell.



Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber



Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield

Dance: As17210912


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: The Escapes of Harlequin

Role: Doctor's Wife Actor: Mrs Willis.


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Afterpiece Title: The Escapes of Harlequin

Role: Doctor's Wife Actor: Mrs Willis.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Magician

Song: The Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Magician


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: The Magician

Song: The Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Song: The Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Booth
Role: Country Wife Actor: Mrs Bicknell.



Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Cross.

Afterpiece Title: The Magician


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber

Dance: As17220119


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Oldfield

Dance: Shaw, Denoye, Mrs Booth, Mrs Bullock, Miss Tenoe


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Cross.

Dance: Lally, Newhouse, Pelling, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Dance: Lally, Pelling, Newhouse, Jones, Mrs Rogeir, Mrs Bullock, Miss Hutton; Hornpipe-Jones; Lads and Lasses-; Shepherd and Shepherdess-; Burgomaster and his Frow-


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Role: Pinchwife Actor: Booth
Role: Country Wife Actor: Mrs Bicknell.

Music: Between the Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: Shaw, Thurmond Jr, Mrs Booth, Mrs Bullock; The Hussar-


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Fondlewife Actor: Cibber
