SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (415, 734, 1338, 1376, 1430, 1786, 1840, 1857, 2285, 2290, 2461, 2560, 2583, 2818, 3424, 3648, 3662, 3668, 3860, 3956, 3968, 4117, 4480, 4544, 4807, 4949, 4950, 4972, 5330, 5533, 5652, 6188, 7922, 8649, 8652, 8679, 8765, 8860, 8892, 8992, 8997, 9387, 9462, 9853, 9903, 9993, 10004, 10244, 10430, 10431, 10561, 10589, 10592, 10595, 10598, 10601, 10603, 10629, 10768, 10815, 10950, 11247, 11396, 11581, 11583, 11586, 11589, 11591, 11592, 11593, 11626, 11631, 11727, 11802, 11860, 11862, 11864, 11868, 11872, 11874, 11881, 11883, 11888, 11890, 11893, 11898, 11900, 11902, 11912, 11915, 11917, 11919, 11987, 11999, 12226, 12244, 12325, 12346, 12363, 12430, 12470, 12582, 12660, 12681, 12729, 12847, 12945, 13023, 13434, 13587, 14187, 14229, 14599, 14782, 14798, 14934, 15015, 15045, 15047, 15131, 15220, 15302, 15305, 15319, 15363, 15435, 15529, 15542, 15545, 15628, 15730, 15752, 15798, 15840, 15876, 15880, 15891, 15910, 15977, 15983, 16005, 16008, 16101, 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Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Ivth, Part Ii

Role: King Henry Actor: Elrington

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betray'd; Or, Anna Bullen

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Viiith

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: The Strolers


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Viiith

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Doctor Faustus


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Ivth, Part Ii

Role: King Henry Actor: Elrington

Afterpiece Title: The Strolers

Dance: Miss Brett; Gondolier and Courtezan-Master Lally, Miss Brett


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed; Or, Anna Bullen

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: King Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera

Dance: new Comic Dance-Rainton, Mrs Walter; Sultana-Miss Robinson; The last new Grand Dance-Essex, Lally, Rainton, Thurmond, Boval, Haughton, Mrs Walter, Mrs Delorme, Miss Williams; Dutchman and Dutchwoman-Roger, Rainton


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Role: Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: Cephalus and Procris


Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part Ii

Role: Henry Actor: Mills

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Henry VI Actor: Giffard

Afterpiece Title: Flora



Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Henry VI Actor: Giffard

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera

Dance: Burney, Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Henry VI Actor: Giffard

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach Opera

Music: II: Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Joab Bakeron the Stage; Mr Handel's Water Musick-; V: Tollet's Grounds-Mr Baker on a Side Drum, accompanied with a Violin, the like having never been attempted by any Person before

Dance: III: Tambourine-Miss Wherrit


Mainpiece Title: The History Of King Henry The Viiith And Anna Bullen; Intermixed With The Diverting Humours Of Squire Numpskull And His Man Lack Brains

Role: Henry VIII Actor: W. Mills

Dance: Davenport, Clark, Hind, Mrs Hind, Miss L'Homme, Miss Price; particularly a Highlander-a Gentleman for his Diversion


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Iv; With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff

Role: King Henry Actor: Huddy


Mainpiece Title: Henry Iv, Part 1

Role: King Henry Actor: Huddy


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth Viii

Role: Henry Actor: Harper

Afterpiece Title: [Damon and Phillida

Song: [Miss Raftor

Dance: [LLes Bergeries, as17321019


Mainpiece Title: Caelia; Or, The Perjur'd Lover

Role: Henry Fielding Actor: Miss Raftor.


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed; Or, Anna Bullen

Role: Henry VIII Actor: Hulett


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed

Role: Henry VIII Actor: Hulett


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed

Role: Henry VIII Actor: Hulett

Afterpiece Title: The Tavern Bilkers


Mainpiece Title: Virtue Betrayed

Role: Henry VIII Actor: Hulett

Afterpiece Title: The Lovers Opera