SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (359, 365, 876, 992, 1338, 1402, 1877, 2983, 3601, 3755, 3837, 4014, 4216, 4241, 5841, 7865, 7893, 7936, 8015, 8066, 8099, 8135, 8263, 8372, 8505, 8625, 12342, 12345, 13083, 13087, 13119, 13202, 13421, 13515, 13553, 13592, 13702, 13719, 13817, 13860, 13904, 13926, 13933, 13951, 13955, 13974, 14003, 14041, 14060, 14076, 14080, 14173, 14718, 14726, 14841, 15085, 15163, 15448, 15561, 15651, 15760, 15887, 15968, 16034, 16074, 16080, 16084, 16215, 16458, 16571, 16658, 16809, 17045, 17075, 17221, 17410, 17422, 17456, 17498, 17586, 17587, 17703, 17770, 17874, 17895, 17983, 18049, 18874, 18996, 19156, 19224, 19261, 19272, 19360, 19434, 19468, 19550, 19605, 19641, 19756, 19770, 19871, 20043, 20099, 20127, 20185, 20270, 20294, 20507, 20558, 20618, 20665, 20722, 20775, 20852, 20967, 21041, 21107, 21165, 21266, 21311, 21334, 21419, 21817, 21854, 21899, 21961, 21962, 21978, 22075, 22121, 22153, 22164, 22169, 22290, 22291, 22292, 22348, 22383, 22461, 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Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: C. Bullock.


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis; Or, The Old Lover Outwitted

Role: Trickwell Actor: Symonds

Afterpiece Title: The Craftsman; or, The Weekly Journalist

Dance: Cleveland, Turner, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Turner


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis

Role: Trickwell Actor: Symonds

Afterpiece Title: The Craftsman

Dance: As17281015


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: W. Bullock

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: W. Bullock


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: W. Bullock

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: W. Bullock

Song: As17300212

Dance: As17300212


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bardin

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bardin

Music: End II: A Voluntary on the Welch Harp-Jones; III: A Trumpet Piece call'd See@larco@a Veasi-Burk Thumoth; IV: A Solo-Ravenscroft upon the Stage; accompany'd by the Harpsichord-

Dance: I: The Yellow Joke, as17300629 V: Shepherds Holiday-Burny, Sandham, Eaton, Mrs Haughton, Mrs Mountfort, Miss Sandham


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bardin


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock




Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Clown


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Ostrick Actor: Chapman


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Spendthrift

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Spendthrift

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Author's Farce

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Spendthrift

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Role: Ostrick Actor: Bullock


Mainpiece Title: The Spendthrift

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam


Mainpiece Title: Damon And Phillida

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler of Preston

Afterpiece Title: The Jealous Taylor

Role: Patrick O'Thimble Actor: Hallam