SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1224, 1322, 2134, 4037, 4163, 4481, 9993, 10004, 13000, 14711, 14734, 17462, 17465, 17470, 17474, 17476, 17479, 17849, 20398, 20400, 20403, 20405, 20407, 20409, 20411, 20412, 20415, 20417, 20418, 20421, 20423, 20427, 20431, 20453, 20624, 20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20911, 21353, 21397, 21516, 21606, 21645, 21693, 21703, 21725, 21740, 21796, 21824, 21915, 21993, 22159, 22196, 22226, 22678, 22683, 22786, 22861, 23023, 23083, 23085, 23088, 23091, 23094, 23107, 23137, 23148, 23192, 23224, 23244, 23251, 23261, 23268, 23272, 23277, 23288, 23357, 23390, 23542, 23557, 23705, 23800, 23805, 24023, 24024, 24489, 24494, 24643, 24652, 24655, 24665, 24933, 24973, 24978, 24996, 25187, 25236, 25239, 25338, 25340, 25342, 25344, 25346, 25348, 25350, 25352, 25354, 25356, 25358, 25360, 25362, 25433, 25441, 25479, 25552, 25576, 25627, 25990, 25995, 26031, 26046, 26112, 26553, 26557, 26566, 27007, 27310, 27313, 27315, 27319, 27324, 27327, 27328, 27330, 27332, 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Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Song: As17410115

Dance: DDiane a la Chasse, as17401229; Les Masons & Les Sabotiers-Fausan, Signora Fausan, Muilment, Desse, Liviez, Mlle Duval, Mrs Walter, Mrs Wright


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: As17410115

Dance: III: L'Arlequine deux Visages-Mlle Chateauneuf; V: La Tambourin Matelote-Maltere, Mlle Maltere


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Role: Officer Actor: Naylor

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Song: As17410115

Dance: LLes Matelotes-Fausan, Signora Fausan; Les Masons & Les Sabotiers, as17410120


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: As17410115

Dance: I: Desse; III: La Tambourin Matelote-Maltere, Mlle Maltere; V: L'Arlequin deux Visages-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Role: Officer Actor: Naylor

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Role: Officer Actor: Naylor

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment


Mainpiece Title: The Winter's Tale

Role: Officer Actor: Naylor

Afterpiece Title: The Imprisonment


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Song: As17410115

Dance: As17410131


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Role: Officer Actor: Marten

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: I: Desse; II: La Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Serious Ballet-Maltere, Mlle Maltere; V: L'Allemande-Muilment, Mlle Chateauneuf

Song: III: Was Ever Nymph Like Rosamond-Lowe

Music: V: Handel's Water@Musick-; with a Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Jo. Woodbridge


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Officer Actor: Woodburn

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: Between the acts: Beard, Lowe


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Officer Actor: Woodburn

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: As17411111


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Officer Actor: Woodburn

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: I: See from the Silent Grove Alexis Flies-Beard; III: A Cantata-Lowe; IV: Happy Pair-Beard

Dance: II: Les Matelotes, as17411110; Le Genereux Corsaire, as17411102


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Officer Actor: Woodburn

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Song: HHappy Pair-Beard; III: Bright Author of my Present Flame-Lowe

Dance: II: A Musette-M Mechel, Mlle Mechel; IV: A Dutch Dance-Delamain; V: A Pierrot Dance-M Mechel, Mlle Mechel


Mainpiece Title: The Comedy Of Errors

Role: Officer Actor: Woodburn

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwrecked

Song: I: A New Ballad-Beard; III: Noontide Air-Lowe; IV: Mad Tom by Henry Purcel-Beard in character

Dance: II: A Dutch Dance, as17411114; V: The Italian Peasants, as17411207


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved; Or, A Plot Discovered

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Dance: CComic Dance-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde; La Provencale-Picq; Dancing-Picq, Villeneuve, Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade, Mrs Delagarde, Mrs Wright, Mrs Lebrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Maudet


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Dance: Signor Grimaldi, detto Gamba di Ferro, Mlle Auguste. (Being the 1st time of his appearing on the English stage.


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Dance: LLa Provencale, as17421105; Les Savoyards, as17421218; Le Rendezvous Gallant, as17421217


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Dance: DDutch Skipper, as17421025; Peasants, as17421230; Le Rendezvous Gallant, as17421217


Mainpiece Title: Samson

Role: Officer Actor: Lowe


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved; Or, A Plot Discovered

Role: Officer Actor: Ray.

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Song: II: Beard; III: The Noontide Air from Comus-Miss Edward; IV: Lowe


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Afterpiece Title: Toyshop

Dance: As17430314


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Ray.

Dance: II: Sicilian Peasant, as17430310 IV: Neopolitan Punch, as17430324

Song: III: Stella and Flaviaa Ballad-Beard


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Officer Actor: Gibson

Afterpiece Title: The Toyshop

Dance: I: Dutch Skipper, as17421025; III: Peasants, as17421230; V: Le Rendezvous Gallant, as17421217