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Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite

Afterpiece Title: Father Girard the Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer

Afterpiece Title: Father Girard the Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: Father Girard the Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: Father Girard the Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Wanton Jesuit; or, Innocence Seduced

Role: Miss Cadiere Actor: Mrs Pullen

Dance: HHornpipe-Jones' Scholar


Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: Essex, Thurmond, Lally, Houghton, Tench, Mrs Booth, Mrs Walter, Mrs Delorme, Miss Robinson; particularly The Masques-; Highland Dance-a Native of that Country , for his Diversion


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake

Role: Miss Notable Actor: Miss Hollyday.

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: SSicilians-Glover, Mrs Pelling; Hornpipe-Jones, Mrs Ogden; Ethiopians-Glover, Pelling, Newhouse, Miss LaTour, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Tragedy Of Tragedies

Role: Miss Monkeytail Actor: A. Raftor

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Music: new Overture with Kettle Drums and Trumpets by Seedo-; I: The 5th Concerto of Vivaldi, upon the Stage-; II: The 8th Concerto of Michael Angelo Corelli-; III: Handel's Water Musick with French Horns-; Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Ben. Baker

Song: I: Rosy Bowers-Miss Raftor; End Afterpiece: Ellis Roberts

Dance: II: Harlequins-Lally Jr, Miss Brett; In III: A new Grand Heroic Comic Dance, proper to the Play-; End Afterpiece: The Masqueraders-Essex, Thurmond, Houghton, Tench, Mrs Walter, Mrs D'Lorme, Miss Mears, Miss Williams


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Extravagance

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers; or, A Playhouse To Be Lett


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Extravagance

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: FFrench Peasant-Vallois


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: MMoor's Dance-Vallois and Mrs Vallois


Mainpiece Title: The Devil To Pay

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: As17330802


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers



Mainpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Music: The celebrated Water Musick by Handel-; in which Preamble on the Kettle Drums-B. Baker

Dance: FFrench Peasant-Vallois and Mrs Vallois; Scotch Dance-Davenport, Miss Baston


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: As17330809


Mainpiece Title: The Fancy'd Queen

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: SScotch Dance-Davenport, Miss Baston; Swedish Dal Karle-Delagarde, Mrs Ogden; Irish Trot-Bethen


Mainpiece Title: The Fancy'd Queen

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: SScotch Dance-Davenport, Miss Baston; Irish Trot-Bethen


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: SScotch Dance-Davenport, Miss Baston; Swedish Dal Karl-Delagarde, Mrs Ogden


Mainpiece Title: The Tuscan Treaty; Or, Tarquin's Overthrow

Afterpiece Title: The Stage-Mutineers

Dance: As17330814


Mainpiece Title: The Tuscan Treaty

Afterpiece Title: The Stage@Mutineers

Dance: SScotch Dance-Davenport, Miss Baston; Swedish Dal Karle-Delagarde, Mrs Ogden; Irish Trot-Bethen


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: The Comical Humours of Sir John Falstaff, Justice Shallow, Ancient Pistol, and Others

Role: Miss Witless Actor: Miss Careless.

Afterpiece Title: The Ridotto Al' Fresco

Dance: End I Second Piece: Black Joke-Smith, Miss Brett; II: Comic Dance-Mrs Booth


Mainpiece Title: Don Quixote In England

Role: Miss Sneak Actor: Miss Jones


Mainpiece Title: Don Quixote In England

Role: Miss Sneak Actor: Miss Jones Jr

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida


Song: Songs proper to the Play. The Pleasant Month of May by a Gentlewoman, who never appeared on any stage before


Mainpiece Title: Squire Basinghall; Or, The Cheapside Beau

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Mutineers

Role: Miss Lovemode Actor: Miss Brett


Mainpiece Title: Squire Basinghall

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Mutineers

Role: Miss Lovemode Actor: Miss Brett