SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (531, 1282, 1294, 1425, 1545, 1765, 2047, 2071, 2114, 2191, 3059, 3518, 3862, 3994, 4062, 4099, 4100, 4102, 4103, 4114, 4176, 4204, 4293, 4648, 4666, 4707, 4795, 4823, 4869, 4911, 4925, 4939, 5183, 5186, 5265, 5469, 5623, 5841, 5865, 5922, 6208, 6210, 6919, 6933, 7214, 7257, 7443, 7528, 7941, 7950, 8025, 8026, 8138, 8173, 8334, 8355, 8360, 8362, 8363, 8369, 8387, 8414, 8421, 8485, 8545, 8587, 8614, 8660, 8700, 8756, 8768, 8846, 8859, 8953, 9022, 9037, 9065, 9267, 9333, 9379, 9438, 9533, 9535, 9546, 9587, 9601, 9603, 9640, 9797, 9819, 9826, 9897, 9942, 9944, 9946, 10062, 10065, 10236, 10286, 10325, 10329, 10344, 10398, 10438, 10578, 10615, 10763, 10795, 10859, 10891, 10939, 10984, 11029, 11086, 11166, 11279, 11296, 11449, 11497, 11508, 11808, 11848, 12000, 12314, 12495, 12836, 13051, 13407, 13453, 13459, 13497, 13525, 13578, 13604, 13614, 13728, 13750, 13783, 14077, 14196, 14359, 14531, 14663, 14882, 15090, 15220, 15355, 15361, 15364, 15474, 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Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Pinkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Pinkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight

Dance: Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: The City Ramble; Or, A Playhouse Wedding

Role: Young Gentleman Actor: Ryan


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight.


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Slip

Role: Gentleman Actor: Corey.

Dance: duPre, Moreau, Bovil, Sandham, Miss Russell


Mainpiece Title: The Perplex'd Couple; Or, Mistake Upon Mistake

Role: Gentleman Actor: Scolding


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight

Song: As17150324

Dance: delaGarde, Sandham, Newhouse, Mrs Russell, Miss Schoolding


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake; Or, The Wife's Resentment

Role: Lady Gentle Actor: Mrs Santlow


Mainpiece Title: The Lady's Last Stake

Role: Lady Gentle Actor: Mrs Santlow

Dance: Dupre, Boval, Dupre Jr, Wade, Mrs Bicknell


Mainpiece Title: Lucius, The First Christian King Of Britain


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Knight

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats

Dance: Shaw, Thurmond Jr, Miss Smith


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Turn'd Judge


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of King Lear And His Three Daughters

Role: Gentleman Usher Actor: Penkethman


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Role: Mrs Termagent Actor: Mrs Spiller
