SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1174, 1451, 1982, 2435, 4455, 4531, 4562, 4655, 4656, 4672, 4714, 4833, 4901, 5121, 5435, 5540, 5621, 5792, 5803, 5848, 6006, 7152, 7154, 7176, 7178, 7184, 7192, 7280, 7480, 8373, 9870, 10983, 10985, 10988, 10990, 11019, 11082, 11238, 11354, 11492, 11700, 11799, 12996, 13101, 13130, 13424, 13430, 13457, 13631, 13692, 14091, 14221, 14418, 14894, 15556, 16256, 16347, 16593, 17372, 17375, 17376, 17392, 17663, 17667, 17670, 17673, 17679, 17745, 17749, 17879, 17942, 17977, 18096, 18163, 18272, 18546, 18559, 18663, 18664, 18784, 18933, 18935, 18937, 18943, 18955, 19018, 19127, 19129, 19184, 19235, 19265, 19315, 19316, 19361, 19372, 19403, 19410, 19439, 19472, 19481, 19554, 19575, 19586, 19590, 19609, 19661, 19684, 19718, 19823, 19877, 20061, 20069, 20236, 20363, 20570, 20618, 20642, 20657, 20704, 20777, 20931, 21380, 21383, 21408, 21485, 21588, 21596, 21694, 21759, 21808, 21833, 21836, 21918, 21922, 22060, 22062, 22065, 22068, 22069, 22071, 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Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Dance: As17171022; Serious Dance-Thurmond Jr, Miss Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Fair Quaker Actor: Mrs Santlow.

Dance: Prince, Shaw, Wade, Topham, Birkhead, Mrs Tenoe, Miss Lindar


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Thurmond

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Dance: As17171022


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Song: Leveridge, Mrs Barbier

Dance: Wedding Dance-Moreau, Mrs Moreau


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal; Or, The Humours Of The Navy

Role: Fair Quaker Actor: Mrs Booth.



Mainpiece Title: A Wife To Be Let

Role: Fairman Actor: Boman

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts

Dance: LLe Badinage Champetre, as17251119


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Roberts

Dance: Thurmond, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Brett, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson


Mainpiece Title: The True And Antient History Of The Unnatural Parents; Or, The Fair Maid Of The West

Role: Fair Maid Actor: Mrs Haughton


Mainpiece Title: The Twin Rivals

Role: Fairbank Actor: Thurmond

Music: Between Acts: Select Pieces-

Dance: Roger, Lally, Essex, Boval, Miss Tenoe, Mrs Brett, Young Rainton, Miss Robinson; The Pierraite-; The Fawns-


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Oldfield.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Triumph


Mainpiece Title: The True And Ancient History Of The Unnatural Parents; Or, The Fair Maid Of The West: Giving An Account How They Had Two Daughters, One Of Which They Fondly Lov'd, And The Other They Could Not Endure; So By Their Barbarity She Was Forced To Leave Her Father's House And Seek Her Fortune: With The Comical Humours Of Trusty, Her Father's Man, That Was Sent In Pursuit After Her, Who, In His Travels, Met With Three Witches That Hoisted Him Upon A Distaff, And Sent Him Flying Home Over The Houses

Dance: DDance-Wild Cats of the Woods


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Giffard



Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Giffard

Afterpiece Title: Jealousy Deceived


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Giffard

Dance: TTollet's Grounds-Burney, Eaton; Peasant Dance-Sandham, Miss Sandham

Song: Miss Thornowets


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: The Fairy Queen; or, Harlequin Turn'd Enchanter

Role: Fairy Queen Actor: Miss Raftor

Afterpiece Title: Concluding with the Loves of Shepherds and Shepherdesses


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Fair Quaker Actor: Mrs Younger

Afterpiece Title: Damon and Phillida

Dance: FFingalian-Newhouse, Mrs Ogden; French Peasant-Poitier; A new Sailor's Dance- proper to the Play

Song: A Gentlewoman, in the Character of a Sailor, who never appeared on any Stage before


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Role: Fair Penitent Actor: Mrs Giffard

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Song: Miss Thornowets

Dance: FFlag Dance-Burny


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal; Or, The Humours Of The Navy

Role: Fair Quaker Actor: Mrs Cibber

Afterpiece Title: The Country Wedding and Skimmington


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker Of Deal

Role: Fair Quaker Actor: Mrs Giffard

Afterpiece Title: Flora

