SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1266, 1863, 2019, 2050, 2550, 4070, 4427, 4446, 4546, 4652, 4968, 5181, 5289, 7627, 7982, 12739, 14378, 15040, 15372, 15552, 16485, 16914, 17272, 17282, 17293, 17318, 18021, 18408, 19598, 20061, 20066, 20206, 20252, 20810, 20915, 21100, 21118, 21125, 21128, 21131, 21137, 21435, 21468, 21808, 21810, 21866, 21868, 21870, 21881, 21883, 21884, 21887, 21908, 21925, 21944, 22166, 22326, 22408, 22512, 22829, 22830, 22836, 22889, 22908, 23261, 23268, 23277, 23542, 23557, 23559, 23705, 24184, 25259, 27199, 27201, 27211, 27233, 27274, 27562, 27565, 27609, 27707, 27802, 27917, 27955, 28218, 28469, 28567, 28899, 29039, 29283, 29296, 29328, 29420, 29763, 29775, 29805, 30502, 30504, 30507, 30509, 30513, 30517, 30520, 30526, 30532, 30535, 30537, 30546, 30553, 30557, 30569, 30580, 30597, 30663, 30665, 30678, 30697, 30862, 30874, 30884, 30896, 30979, 31043, 31149, 31151, 31159, 31194, 31207, 31226, 31257, 31356, 31410, 31465, 31660, 31664, 31686, 31771, 31849, 31889, 31891, 31893, 31895, 31897, 31899, 31901, 31903, 31905, 31907, 31909, 31911, 31913, 31915, 31917, 31925, 31927, 31935, 31937, 31939, 31941, 31944, 31949, 31951, 31953, 31969, 31974, 31977, 32017, 32061, 32071, 32092, 32100, 32106, 32111, 32136, 32148, 32234, 32249, 32339, 32370, 32403, 32454, 32514, 32570, 32707, 32773, 32775, 32777, 32783, 32786, 32788, 32790, 32792, 32793, 32795, 32796, 32801, 32804, 32809, 32819, 32836, 32926, 32928, 32933, 32939, 32942, 32944, 32949, 32953, 32962, 32976, 32987, 32991, 33017, 33026, 33095, 33103, 33106, 33141, 33148, 33152, 33177, 33189, 33227, 33228, 33229, 33230, 33232, 33233, 33234, 33250, 33273, 33277, 33287, 33381, 33390, 33414, 33481, 33508, 33522, 33531, 33635, 33657, 33707, 33730, 33738, 33739, 33742, 33756, 33762, 33764, 33768, 33771, 33774, 33780, 33785, 33786, 33788, 33802, 33823, 33867, 33921, 33922, 33980, 34015, 34026, 34039, 34161, 34170, 34189, 34220, 34234, 34237, 34254, 34285, 34301, 34302, 34305, 34365, 34385, 34505, 34621, 34703, 34715, 34729, 34736, 34758, 34806, 34823, 34832, 34837, 34850, 34854, 34876, 34927, 34970, 35017, 35295, 35327, 35370, 35380, 35387, 35458, 35475, 35484, 35537, 35570, 35723, 35726, 35728, 35733, 35738, 35741, 35747, 35751, 35756, 35759, 35761, 35766, 35767, 35769, 35771, 35774, 35778, 35781, 35783, 35784, 35792, 35795, 35797, 35807, 35860, 35874, 35881, 35886, 35891, 35895, 35897, 35902, 35905, 35908, 35913, 35929, 35932, 35945, 35948, 35954, 35960, 35969, 35970, 35973, 36008, 36022, 36024, 36027, 36029, 36031, 36033, 36035, 36037, 36039, 36041, 36043, 36045, 36049, 36051, 36053, 36055, 36062, 36066, 36072, 36075, 36078, 36081, 36088, 36091, 36095, 36097, 36100, 36102, 36103, 36111, 36113, 36124, 36125, 36130, 36134, 36139, 36141, 36147, 36161, 36164, 36189, 36190, 36214, 36229, 36271, 36279, 36305, 36315, 36326, 36329, 36345, 36365, 36373, 36384, 36424, 36440, 36466, 36468, 36477, 36485, 36494, 36495, 36504, 36511, 36523, 36539, 36550, 36557, 36561, 36575, 36612, 36628, 36643, 36736, 36764, 36818, 36860, 36861, 36872, 36890, 36955, 37014, 37066, 37122, 37225, 37243, 37247, 37296, 37368, 37374, 37380, 37407, 37485, 37550, 37662, 37689, 37705, 37759, 37807, 37820, 37843, 37854, 37858, 37878, 37998, 38016, 38067, 38076, 38162, 38221, 38241, 38257, 38265, 38277, 38280, 38289, 38304, 38312, 38335, 38448, 38472, 38507, 38540, 38673, 38706, 38728, 38729, 38767, 38769, 38789, 38810, 38828, 38834, 38853, 38859, 38870, 38876, 38916, 38932, 39020, 39083, 39086, 39099, 39257, 39293, 39302, 39325, 39336, 39347, 39363, 39371, 39402, 39442, 39443, 39444, 39447, 39550, 39591, 39640, 39642, 39643, 39774, 39777, 39845, 39877, 39906, 39980, 39988, 39989, 39990, 39995, 39996, 39999, 40000, 40001, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40007, 40008, 40010, 40011, 40012, 40013, 40014, 40035, 40153, 40227, 40294, 40296, 40315, 40383, 40392, 40437, 40438, 40443, 40472, 40473, 40474, 40476, 40478, 40480, 40483, 40484, 40486, 40488, 40491, 40492, 40494, 40499, 40500, 40502, 40504, 40505, 40515, 40517, 40523, 40524, 40525, 40529, 40532, 40538, 40541, 40542, 40547, 40551, 40557, 40573, 40581, 40594, 40603, 40663, 40696, 40720, 40736, 40748, 40750, 40752, 40765, 40772, 40777, 40791, 40796, 40834, 40868, 40870, 40901, 40905, 40922, 40925, 40928, 40933, 40938, 40941, 40943, 40951, 40953, 40956, 40958, 40960, 40965, 40967, 40972, 40978, 40989, 40992, 41005, 41041, 41043, 41048, 41050, 41056, 41059, 41061, 41070, 41089, 41091, 41126, 41142, 41169, 41179, 41184, 41222, 41384, 41412, 41435, 41447, 41508, 41513, 41515, 41518, 41520, 41527, 41529, 41532, 41542, 41544, 41547, 41548, 41557, 41562, 41567, 41571, 41589, 41629, 41661, 41673, 41702, 41714, 41755, 41781, 41846, 41928, 41973, 41975, 41979, 41983, 41986, 41989, 41993, 41997, 42060, 42077, 42097, 42106, 42113, 42149, 42216, 42221, 42236, 42254, 42322, 42364, 42488, 42529, 42682, 42728, 42744, 42792, 42812, 42868, 42900, 42911, 42929, 42983, 42985, 43058, 43156, 43244, 43267, 43290, 43303, 43315, 43387, 43401, 43435, 43447, 43558, 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Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, The Death Of Alexander The Great

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Role: Major Belford Actor: Packer.


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Shuter

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer

Dance: II: A Hornpipe-Miss Pitt; IV: The Cudgell'd Husband, as17631101

Song: III: O ruddier than the Cherry-Legg; End: Mirth Admit me of the Crew-Legg


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Dance: End: Double Hornpipe, as17640514


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: The Witches

Dance: II: A New Scaramouch Dance-Sg Berardi (1st appearance this stage), Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: End: New Tambourine, as17640929


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Dance: II: A New Entertainment call'd The Medley-Slingsby, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: The Genii

Dance: III: A Garland Dance, as17641213


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: II: The Medley, as17641120


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe

Dance: II: The Irish Lilt, as17641011; End: The Medley, as17641120


Mainpiece Title: King Lear

Afterpiece Title: The Spanish Lady

Role: Major Hearty Actor: Perry

Dance: IV: The Jealous Woodcutter, as17641101


Mainpiece Title: The Lyar

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650708


Mainpiece Title: The Lyar

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: I: Le Chasseur, as17650708 La Berge, as17650708 End: The Dutchman-Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Lyar

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650719


Mainpiece Title: The Orators

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: I: The Dutchman; End: The English Sailor at Marseilles-Miss Street; the New Hornpipe-Master Clinton


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650809


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650708


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: I: The Carpenter, as17650708 End: The Dutchman, as17650719


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650821


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650719


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650828


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650719 but New Hornpipe-Mas. Clinton


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650909


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Major Sturgeon Actor: Foote

Dance: As17650909


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Yates

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce Is in Him

Role: Major Belford Actor: Packer


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce is in Him

Role: Major Belford Actor: Packer

Dance: End: The Irish Lilt-Aldridge, Baker