SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1266, 1863, 2019, 2050, 2550, 4070, 4427, 4446, 4546, 4652, 4968, 5181, 5289, 7627, 7982, 12739, 14378, 15040, 15372, 15552, 16485, 16914, 17272, 17282, 17293, 17318, 18021, 18408, 19598, 20061, 20066, 20206, 20252, 20810, 20915, 21100, 21118, 21125, 21128, 21131, 21137, 21435, 21468, 21808, 21810, 21866, 21868, 21870, 21881, 21883, 21884, 21887, 21908, 21925, 21944, 22166, 22326, 22408, 22512, 22829, 22830, 22836, 22889, 22908, 23261, 23268, 23277, 23542, 23557, 23559, 23705, 24184, 25259, 27199, 27201, 27211, 27233, 27274, 27562, 27565, 27609, 27707, 27802, 27917, 27955, 28218, 28469, 28567, 28899, 29039, 29283, 29296, 29328, 29420, 29763, 29775, 29805, 30502, 30504, 30507, 30509, 30513, 30517, 30520, 30526, 30532, 30535, 30537, 30546, 30553, 30557, 30569, 30580, 30597, 30663, 30665, 30678, 30697, 30862, 30874, 30884, 30896, 30979, 31043, 31149, 31151, 31159, 31194, 31207, 31226, 31257, 31356, 31410, 31465, 31660, 31664, 31686, 31771, 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Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Wilmot Wells

Afterpiece Title: Between II and III of the above,Sylvester Daggerwood

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: In II 3rd piece: A Mock Minuet-R. Palmer, Miss Pope

Song: End I 1st piece: Little Taffline-Mrs Bland

Entertainment: MonologuePrevious 1st piece: Occasional Address-Lacy


Mainpiece Title: Laugh When You Can

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakly Actor: Dowton

Afterpiece Title: Feudal Times


Mainpiece Title: What Is She

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport

Dance: As17990418


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakley Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick

Entertainment: Monologue End: Epilogue pourtraying Characteristick Jealousies of the Spaniard the Italian the Dutchman the Frenchman and the Englishman [by Garrick]-Mrs Mattocks [see cg, 1 May 1798]


Mainpiece Title: The Flitch Of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport

Afterpiece Title: Ways and Means

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakley Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Entertainment: Monologue As17990622


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: Major Oakley Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: My Grandmother

Entertainment: Monologue. As17990622


Mainpiece Title: The Jew And The Doctor

Role: Major Oakley Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: The Iron Chest


Mainpiece Title: The Iron Chest

Role: Major Oakley Actor: Aickin

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Song: End: Jack and his Charming Fanny (composed by Suett)-Trueman


Mainpiece Title: Management

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport


Mainpiece Title: The West Indian

Role: Major O'Flaherty Actor: Johnstone

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport


Mainpiece Title: The Tobacconist

Afterpiece Title: The Point of Honour

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Major Benbow Actor: Davenport