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Mainpiece Title: The Libertine

Role: Epilogue Actor: Jacomo


Mainpiece Title: Every Man Out His Humour

Role: Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: Psyche Debauched

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Piso's Conspiracy

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Alcibiades

Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Mary Lee
Role: Theramnes Actor: Harris


Mainpiece Title: Aureng-zebe

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wit

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Gloriana; Or, The Court Of Augustus Caesar


Mainpiece Title: Ibrahim The Illustrious Bassa

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Virtuoso

Role: Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: Aureng-zebe

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Don Carlos, Prince Of Spain

Role: The Prologue Actor:
Role: Phillip the Second Actor: Batterton
Role: Officer of the Guards Actor: Norris
Role: The Epilogue Actor: a Girle


Mainpiece Title: Abdelazer; Or, The Moor's Revenge

Role: Epilogue Actor: little Mis. Ariell


Mainpiece Title: Tom Essence; Or, The Modish Wife

Role: Theodocia Actor: Mrs Barry
Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Gibbs.


Mainpiece Title: The Town-fopp; Or, Sir Timothy Tawdry


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Memphis; Or, The Ambitious Queen

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Madam Fickle; Or, The Witty False One

Role: Epilogue Actor:


Mainpiece Title: The Fool Turn'd Critick

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: Titus And Berenice

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Role: Epilogue Actor: Widow-Blackacre


Mainpiece Title: The Destruction Of Jerusalem By Titus Vespasian, Part I


Mainpiece Title: The Destruction Of Jerusalem By Titus Vespasian, Part Ii

Role: The Prologue Actor:
Role: Epilogue Actor: Mrs Marshal


Mainpiece Title: Antony And Cleopatra

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Country Innocence; Or, The Chamber-maid Turn'd Quaker

Role: Epilogue Actor: .


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens; Or, The Death Of Alexander The Great

Role: Epilogue Actor:
Role: Thessalus Actor: Wiltshire